What is my daughter's name?
Name a behavior that can earn you dojo bucks.
positive behaviors
How do we walk into the lunchroom?
Quietly and in line!
Where do your extra supplies go?
In your star basket on the shelf
How should you walk in to the classroom in the morning?
Walk in quietly!
Mr. Shepard/Brian
Name a behavior that would cause you to lose dojo bucks.
negative behaviors
How and where do we sit in the lunch room?
Sit at our specified table. You will stay in your place in line and slide down to the end so others have room.
When do I use the restroom sign in the class code?
Extreme emergencies only!
What do you work on after you unpack your things?
Morning Work
How many years have I been a teacher including this year?
Name a behavior that can earn you dojo bucks.
positive behaviors
When can we talk in the lunch room?
After eating quietly for the first 10 minutes
Name the two attention getters I will use.
If you hear my voice and clap what I clap
Where does your homework, lunch box, and snack go when unpacking?
Homework in correct bin
Lunch in laundry basket
Snack in snack bin
In the picture, what was my daughter sitting on?
A frog
Name a behavior that would cause you to lose dojo bucks.
negative behaviors
At recess, what do you do when someone blows a whistle?
What is DEAR?
Drop Everything And Read!
True or False!
Everyone gets their bookbag at the same time when it's time to pack up.
Wait to be called to get your bookbag!
What do I love to do?
What happens at the end of every quarter?
Dojo store!
Line up!
How do you prepare for a lesson?
Sit up straight, feet in front of you, hands folded, mouths are closed, ears are open, and eyes are on me.
What are the three things you do at the end of the day to make sure your area is neat and organized?
All papers in your folders
Wipe desk
Pick up any trash around your desk