The tardy policy if you have 6 tardies in one class
Teacher referral to counselor; counselor meets with parents
Always follow the "golden rule" which is this
Treat others how you want to be treated; with kindness
Waiting outside the classroom
In two lines, calmly
Favorite animal
There are this many thunderstorms per minute on Earth
The restroom policy across campus
No restroom passes the first and last 10 minutes of class
When the teacher gives you directions
follow them for safety and responsibility
The way learning materials/tools are treated
like your own; take care of them
Favorite gaming system
Nintendo (N64 & switch)
These wise animals cannot move their eyeballs, rather moving their neck to look around
The "E" stands for this in the CHARGE statement
Engaged citizen
yourself, others, and your tools (materials)
Coming into the classroom
Calming to assigned seat, write in agenda
Favorite food
pastor tacos con todo w/green salsa
A bolt of lightning is this many times hotter than the sun
5 times
The "H" stands for this in the CHARGE statement
Active participation looks like this
Asking questions and completing assignments
Working in teams/groups
Hear others opinions, work together, stay on task
Favorite outdoor (summer) activity
Mountain biking
These large rodents have a coat of sharp spines and can float
The "G" in the CHARGE statement
This type of language is used in a school/class environment
school appropriate (clean, no cussing or fussing)
Expectations during independent work (tests)
Focus on yourself, do not distract others
Favorite student
These alien-like sea creatures have blue blood and nine brains