Ben cannot use Discord because...
His parents listen to age recommendations for apps, Discord's is 13
Brad is nicknamed Bard because...
Mr. Moody made a typo on Google Classroom
Mya's hair color previous to today's was...
Noel is named Christmas because...
Noel is Christmas in french
Ben and Brad became friends because...
He and Sarah were roleplaying fnaf and Brad just kinda joined in
Brad has been a Furry since this month (year optional for a hundred points)
March (2021 bonus)
Mya gets angry whenever Brad says this
What is "Sucks to suck"
Not only Thomas and Sierra were married on the last day of school last year, these people did as well
Who are Kendra and Nathan
Sarah went to this school after grade 6
Brother Rice
Brad's top artist on his Spotify rewind was...
Rockit Gaming
Mya's online name is...
Skele_ill/Jack Manifold
Amjed is named Cheese because...
He says "Jeeze" alot and once it sounded like "Cheese"
Ben and Sarah were friends since...
Grade 3
The first thing Brad drew on Ibispaint was...
Golden Freddy
Zoey commonly calls Mya this
Cheesiette was...
Sarah and Brad commonly listened to this song together (Artist for a bonus 100 points)
I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace
Brad had approximately 23 738 minutes listening to music last year, this was higher than __% of Canadians
Mya sits where in homeroom
2nd row from the door, 2nd seat from the back
Who did Harim used to live near...