True or false: Talking when Mrs. V is talking is okay.
What does Come ti chiami mean?
What is your name?
What does Chi mean?
c'รจ means..
there is
What is "nice to meet you" in Italian?
What does dove sei nato/nata mean?
Where were you born?
What does "cosa" mean?
There are....
Ci sono
If a noun ends with an -o, is it masculine or feminine?
What does Mrs. van der Tak always say about respect?
You respect me, I respect you!
Answer this in Italian: dove abiti?
Abito a Filadelfia.
what is "where" in Italian?
What is "here is/here are" in Italian?
What is the verb "to want"?
If you're feeling lost on the homework assignment, what can you do?
Contact Mrs. van der Tak via email or google classroom.
Io ho _______ anni.
How do you say "go Eagles" in Italian?
Vai uccelli!!
"Ecco i cane". What am I saying?
Here are the dogs.
What is the connector word for "HOWEVER"
If we have homework, where do you find it?
Google Classroom --> Clever --> Wayside --> Assignments
What does "dove" in "dove abiti" mean?
is the article "gli" for masculine or feminine words? singular or plural?
Masculine plural
What am I saying: Non ci sono quindici studenti.
There aren't 15 students
Which of the following is NOT a connector word: in, da, perche, pero, quindi, piace, di, a, tra