What does the F stand for?
Follow all classroom procedures, as explained by the teacher.
When should you follow directions?
You should follow directions the first time they are given.
What is considered late for turning in an assignment?
Late is after the bell rings for the period it was due in.
When the teacher says WWW-Dot, what do you say?
What is my favorite color?
What does the O stand for?
Offer your classmates & teacher the respect everyone deserves.
What is the first assignment you do when you come sit down?
The first assignment is Bell-work or Warm-up.
When is class over?
Class is over when the TEACHER dismisses you!
Go to Google Classroom to see what you missed. Retrieve any handouts if necessary from the teacher. However many days you were absent is how many days you have to complete it and turn it in.
What month is my birthday?
What does the C stand for?
Concentrate on giving every task YOUR best effort
What kind of zone is this classroom?
When you need to use the restroom, what is the procedure?
Using a bathroom pass and signing out on the sheet.
When you are done early with an assignment, what are you NOT allowed to do?
No games on the Chromebook
What subject is my favorite to teach?
What does the U stand for?
Understand that you must be prepared for class every day
What happens when you use profanity or telling someone to SHUT-UP in my classroom?
You will be sent out of the classroom with a referral.
What type of beverage are you allowed to drink in the classroom?
Water Only
What am I allowed to use for a writing utensil on physical handouts?
Blue or Black Ink
Lead Pencil
What is my favorite pastime?
What does the S stand for?
Speak up but first ask permission by raising your hand.
What is the first action that will be taken in not following these rules?
Warning & B.I.F. form in the accountability binder
When do you need to make up an absent test?
You will need to come in on your own time to take the test. Morning, breaks, Lunch, after school if scheduled.
When should you be sharpening Pencils, going to the bathroom, and going to get water?
During independent time, not during teaching time.
What is my favorite sport to play?