
What is the very first thing you do when you get to the classroom?

Unpack your backpack and get your book box


Where do I look for assignments pushed out to you?

Canvas, if not given as paper


What does being a respectful peer look like?

You are actively listening, being kind, and treating them how you would like to be treated.


When can you use technology?

When told to do so


What games are not allowed to be played?

Tag, war-like games, and gynmastics


What do you do once you have put away your backpack and gotten you book box?

You complete the Zone Check and Discussion and then start on the soft start activity given


When should assignments be completed?

In general when it is given, unless otherwise stated


When the phone, intercom, or walkie goes off how do we act?

You stop talking so I can hear what is said since it is important. 


How do you get to Canvas?

You go to Classlink using the BV Bookmarks tab. Then you open the Canvas app and go to our course


What does sportsmanship look like?

Everyone is allowed to play, you take turns using equipment, you play fairly and respectfully


What is the first step to the dismissal procedure?

Clean up table and table area


How is a group supposed to work together on assignments?

collaborate, split the work evenly, finish on time


What should students be doing to ensure that the class runs as smoothly as possible?

listening, not talking when a teacher or peer is talking, completing class jobs, working hard, trying your best, being respectful


If you have an issue with your Chromebook, what do you do?

Let me know, and I will send you with an oder ticket to the Library.


What are the Playground rules?

Stay in sight of the teachers, return equipment to the wagon at the end of recess, use walk path with permission


Where are you supposed to look when you arrive into the classroom?

At the smart board and read the information I have given you.


What does it look like when you are trying your hardest and giving your best effort on assignments?

Always do your own best work, put learning ahead of getting good grades, put quality ahead of just getting it done


Where do we go for a tornado and lock down drill?

Tornado Drill: To the old Spanish room. 

Lock Down Drill: Old Spanish room. If we are outside we go to the BVW track and field. If they have an intruder we go to Wyngate.


What are some important technology rules you can think of?

No open liquids, hold properly, be doing what you should be doing, plug them into charge, handle safely and responsibly, wash your hands after eating before you touch them, no stickers on them, etc.


What are the swings and climbing procedures?

Swings: swing straight without twisting, sit on your bottom, no jumping off, walk and play a safe distance in front and behind the swings

Climbing: go up ladders and down slides, no jumping off equipment, stopping and blocking play is not respectful


What is our whole dismissal procedure?

Clean up the table and trash, put book box away, put, sit back in your seat quietly to start our soft end activity.


What happens if an assignment is not completed on time?

You will be reminded to finish, points could be taken off, email will be sent home, discussion will be had to figure out why it was not finished


What are traits of a Cheetah Citizen?

They are kind, safe, respectful, responsible, honest, hardworking, and collaborative


At the end of the day how do you store your Chromebook?

In the cart, plugged in


What are the kickball, soccer, basketball, and gaga ball expectations?

Kickball, soccer, basketball: Line up for teachers to number teams, recess sports are recreational (they are fun and not competitive sports)

Gaga ball: follow the CHE PE rules, what are they? Spectators are not participants
