Bonjour! Does this mean Hello or Goodbye?
deux - What number is this?
2 / two
mars - Is this month March or April?
un chat - Is this a cat or a dog?
A cat
What is the capital of France?
How do you say 'Goodbye' in French?
Au revoir
How do you say 'ten' in French?
le deux décembre - What is this date in English?
2nd December
J'ai un chien OR un poisson.
Which animal is a fish?
un poisson
What famous tower is in Paris?
The Eiffel Tower
Je m'appelle Sophie. What does this mean in English?
My name is or I am called Sophie.
What is the answer in French to this sum?
un + dix-neuf =
Mon anniversaire or Mon cadeau - Which word means 'my birthday'?
Mon anniversaire
J'ai deux chats et trois chiens. How many pets do I have?
5 / five
What are the three colours in French of the French flag?
Bleu, blanc et rouge
J'ai six ans - this means I am 6 years old. How do you say I am 7 years old?
J'ai 7 ans.
If quarante is 40, how do you say 44?
'Mon anniversaire est le quinze avril', dit Jean-Paul. When is Jean-Paul's birthday?
The 15th April.
À la maison, j'ai un hamster, une souris et un chien. What three animals do I have at home?
A hamster, a mouse and a dog.
If I ordered 'escargots' in a French restaurant, what would I eat?
Où habites-tu?
J'habite ... (à Wokingham, en Angleterre).
What is this number in English?
Aujourd'hui, c'est le Noël! What celebration day is it today?
As-tu un cochon d'Inde? Oui, elle s'appelle Poppy et elle est brune et petite. What sort of pet is Poppy? Give me two details about her.
A guniea pig. She is brown and small.
'Le bohomme de neige' sometimes flies at Christmas (Le Noël). What Christmas character is it?
A snowman