How do you say 'my name is' in French?
Je m'appelle ...
Which word is 'town' in French? Maison or ville
'à droite' Does this mean right or left?
'À une heure' Does this mean a one o'clock or at two o'clock?
one o'clock
What does 'Je mange mon dîner" mean? I eat my lunch or my dinner?
I eat my dinner.
J'ai une soeur et deux frères. What does this mean?
I have a sister and two brothers.
La piscine est grande et super! Where am I in town?
At the swimming pool.
'à gauche' Which way do I need to go?
Il est deux heures. What time is it?
It is 2 o'clock.
J'arrive à l'école. Am I arriving at school or at home?
At school
'J'habite dans une maison en ville.' Give two details about where I live.
I live in a house in town.
'À Bordeaux, il y a un restaurant et un port.' What two places are mentioned here?
A restaurant and a port.
'Allez tout droit et tournez à droite.' What two directions am I given?
Go straight on and turn right.
'Il est trois heures et demie.' What time is it?
Half past three.
'Je quitte la maison à huit heures.' What do I do at 8 am?
I leave the house.
'Mon anniversaire est ... (30 September).' How do you say 30 September in French?
Le trente septembre
'La gare est près de l'hôtel.' What am I saying about the train station?
It is near to the hotel.
'Prenez la première rue à gauche.' Which road do I need to take?
Take the first road on the left.
'Il est quatre heures et quart.' What is the time?
It is a quarter past four.
'Je fais mes devoirs et je regarde la télé.' What two things do I do at home after school?
I do my homework and I watch TV.
How do you say in French ... My name is Sophie and I am 11 years old?
Je m'appelle Sophie et j'ai onze ans.
How do you say in French ... The cafe is fantastic!
Le café est fantastique!
How do you say in French ... Turn right and go straight on.
Tournez à droite et allez tout droit.
How do you say in French ... It is half past six.
Il est six heures et demie.
How do you say in French ... I leave school at 4 o'clock?
Je quitte l'ècole à quatre heures.