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Cause and Effect: Greece is 3/4 mountains.

Formation of a poleis


Cause and Effect: Asoka sponsored the building of pillars inscribed with edicts.

Buddhism spread throughout India and eventually to China


Cause and Effect: Romans built an extensive system of roads

Legions were able to move quickly to keep order in the empire


Cause and Effect: Socrates was condemned to death in Athens

Plato renounced democracy


Herodotus was 

a. a Greek historian who wrote of history using a moral framework.

b. an Indian architect who designed pillars with lion capitals. 

c. a Greek astronomer who estimated the Earth’s circumference. 

d. a Chinese historian whose writing glorified the Han dynasty. 

e. a Greek dramatist who wrote a play about changing one’s fate.

a. a Greek historian who wrote of history using a moral framework.


Which of the following was the most significant outcome of the Punic Wars? 

a. Rome became the dominant Mediterranean power.

b. Hannibal captured territory in Rome, but not the city itself. 

c. General Pompey was defeated at the battle of Zama. 

d. A group of Carthaginian colonists settled in Spain. e. Scipio defeated Hannibal close to the Pyrenees mountains.

a. Rome became the dominant Mediterranean power.


Which of the following events is correctly matched with its date?

a. founding of Roman Republic--509 BCE

b. Alexander the Great conquered Greek city-states--476 CE 

c. fall of Gupta Empire--44 BCE 

d. Han dynasty ended--200 CE 

e. Qin dynasty began--100 BC

a. founding of Roman Republic--509 BCE


With whom is the achievement below most frequently associated?


a. Chandragupta

b. Gaozu

c. Hanfeizi

d. Srigupta

e. Shi Huangdi

e. Shi Huangdi


Cause and Effect: Aristotle's philosophy emphasized observation

development of modern Scientific Method


Which philosopher was condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens and neglecting the city’s gods? 

a. Aristotle 

b. Eratosthenes 

c. Zeno 

d. Socrates

e. Plato

d. Socrates


Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between Greek and Roman cultures? 

a. The Greek military was larger and better organized than the Roman military. 

b. The Greeks excelled at engineering, while the Romans did not. 

c. While the Greeks built monumental architecture, the Romans did not. 

d. Roman art and literature was modeled after that of the Greeks.

e. Neither Greek nor Roman culture was concerned with science.

d. Roman art and literature was modeled after that of the Greeks.


Greek Culture : accomplishments in art and literature : : Roman Culture : accomplishments in ___ 

a. government and engineering

b. sculpture and painting 

c. drama and poetry

d. science and medicine 

e. music and verse

a. government and engineering


Qin : ___ : : Han : ____ 

a. Daoism, Confucianism 

b. Confucianism, Legalism 

c. Buddhism, Legalism 

d. Confucianism, Daoism 

e. Legalism, Confucianism

e. Legalism, Confucianism


Alexander the Great and Chandragupta Maurya 

a. were similar in that both boycotted the Chinese silk industry due to its poor working conditions. 

b. were similar in that both promoted limited democracy through the use of elections in their countries. 

c. differed in that Chandragupta was a Buddhist while Alexander was a Christian. d. were similar in that both conquered empires which included parts of India at a young age.

e. differed in that Alexander loathed Indian culture and Chandragupta promoted it.

d. were similar in that both conquered empires which included parts of India at a young age.


The Roman network of roads and the Silk Road 

a. were similar in that they were completed by 44 BCE. 

b. differed in that the Roman network spanned more than one continent, while the Silk Road did not. 

c. were similar in that neither had much of an effect on its respective society. 

d. were similar in that both served as avenues for trade and cultural diffusion.

e. differed in that while Roman roads were for public use, the Silk Road was only for government use.

d. were similar in that both served as avenues for trade and cultural diffusion.


Which element in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave represents the philosopher? 

a. the light 

b. the puppeteers 

c. the cave 

d. the prisoners 

e. the prisoner who escapes

e. the prisoner who escapes


Theodosius and Constantine 

a. tried to restore the republic by consulting the Senate often. 

b. jointly decided to divide the Roman Empire in half. 

c. passed laws which benefitted Roman Christians.

d. adamantly refused to tolerate Christianity. 

e. refused to hire foreign soldiers to serve in the army.

c. passed laws which benefitted Roman Christians.


In which way did Roman law influence US law? 

a. It continued in the retaliatory tradition of Hammurabi’s Code. 

b. It created separate laws for each province in the empire. 

c. In a trial, guilt had to be proven through evidence.

d. It prevented separation of patricians and plebeians. 

e. It limited the power held by the tribunes

c. In a trial, guilt had to be proven through evidence.


Shi Huangdi 

a. frequently communicated with Mauryan and Roman emperors to discuss political strategy. 

b. sent a band of Chinese raiders to bring about the fall of the Gupta Empire. 

c. served as a Macedonian general and helped in the conquest of Greece. 

d. was a Han dynasty emperor who promoted Confucian ideals of the five relationships. 

e. was a paranoid Qin emperor who had a fantastic necropolis built in his honor.

e. was a paranoid Qin emperor who had a fantastic necropolis built in his honor.


In what way was democracy limited in Athens?

a. women and noncitizens had no political rights

b. citizens had to pay to attend the Assembly 

c. the role of leader was hereditary 

d. only nobles could be jurors 

e. slaves could only vote in minor elections

a. women and noncitizens had no political rights


Who founded the Maurya dynasty in India? 

a. Asoka 

b. Srigupta 

c. Chandragupta

d. Ahkbar 

e. Bindusara

c. Chandragupta


An organized form of government in which assorted government offices are assigned specific tasks is called 

a. separation of powers. 

b. officialism. 

c. bureaucracy.

d. mercantilism. 

e. theocracy

c. bureaucracy.


Hammurabi’s Code : Ancient Mesopotamia : : ___ : Roman Republic 

a. Laws of the Twelve Tables

b. Edict of Milan 

c. Justinian’s Code 

d. Politics 

e. Asoka’s Edicts

a. Laws of the Twelve Tables


Which two Indian emperors extended the Maurya empire to include the majority of the Indian sub-continent? 

a. Constantine and Bindusara 

b. Asoka and Shi Huangdi 

c. Srigupta and Gaozu 

d. Diocletian and Constantine 

e. Bindusara and Asoka

e. Bindusara and Asoka


Eratosthenes and Archimedes were 

a. Indian missionaries who spread Buddhism around Asia. 

b. Roman generals who conquered France and England. 

c. Greek thinkers who came up with new scientific ideas.

c. Greek thinkers who came up with new scientific ideas.
