Love/ Family
Class Difference
Background Influences
Who has the power in a relationship? (Using Shirley)
The person who is wealthier has the power in a relationship. In Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, Shirley is born into wealth and, as an only child, has inherited all of her parents’ money. This causes other men, including Robert, to try to marry her. Therefore, Shirley gets all of the power to control her suitors.
Does a higher social class give a person better manners? (Using Pride and Prejudice)
Not necessarily, because in the book Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is portrayed as a very rich and fortunate guy, but characters in book don't like him because of his unmannerly behavior.
What inspired the characters? (Using Jane Eyre)
In Jane Eyre, the people that the Brontë sisters encountered at their boarding school became inspirations for characters in the book. This includes Mr. Brocklehurst, the schoolmaster, who resembles the stern founder of the author’s childhood school.
How did the views of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters differ in their writing?
The Bronte sisters added more dramatic and gothic elements to their writing whereas Jane Austen wrote more about everyday life. By exploring typical social interactions and the materialistic, often insignificant concerns of her characters Jane Austen demonstrates how silly many societal concerns are, and how there is more to one’s character than what meets the eye. To this, the Bronte sisters add gothic elements, of ghosts and darkness, and more drama to their stories with fires and orphaned children.
What separates Jane Eyre from the conventional role of women during this time period?
Jane Eyre is much more outspoken and bold compared to other women of the 19th century. For example, she boldly talks about a clergyman's love for a wealthy lady. Also, women were expected to be focused more on being largely ornamental, but Jane Eyre prefers having philosophical discussions and educating herself.
Who wrote the book Mansfield Park?
Jane Austen
How does the treatment change when people deviate from the social norm?
When people deviate from the social norm, they attract people who also don't comply with social norms. In Jane Eyre, for example, Jane’s bold nature also attracts Mr. Rochester, who tends to ignore the norm in desiring a relationship with her, a governess.
How did women’s role stay the same or change?
Women's role changed because in the 1800s, women did not have as much power as men unless they were extremely wealthy, but everyone is considered equal in today's society.
Are the settings inspired by their childhood? (Using Jane Eyre)
Yes, the setting is very much inspired by their lives when they were children. Jane Eyre’s childhood school is based on Charlotte Brontë’s own experiences at a boarding school.
What was the reason for Heathcliff’s change in attitude?
When Catherine chose Edgar over him, solely because she believe Edgar could provide her with everything she wanted, it hurts him greatly. Although he knew she had love him at some point, her decision in the end resulted in her spending much time with the Lintons and neglecting Heathcliff. This in turn hardens his hearts and makes him bitter towards everyone.
How does duty to one's family affect their relationships? (Using Wuthering Heights)
Duties to one’s family can alter the decision of a person to choose their partner based on what they think is best for their family instead of what they really want. Catherine marries Edgar Linton because he is the preferred over Heathcliff, who has a less proper background.
How does this book reflect the disparity between upper and lower classes? (Using Emma)
The authors reflect on significant differences between the lifestyles and mannerisms of the upper and lower classes. These differences can be seen in Emma’s condescending description of Mr. Weston and his uncouth ways of writing as well as the disheveled quality of his clothes, when Emma attempts to convince Harriet that she is too good for him.
How does the typical expectations of men affect their characterizations?
Men are expected to generally be amicable with good social skills and etiquette. They are characterized as honorable, successful and bold. However, when they deviate from these qualities their place in society is lived as an outcast of sorts. For example, Mr. Weston isn't successful enough for Emma and her upper class friends, and because Emma has taken his love Harriet under her wing, Harriet rejects him.
How was the portrayal of women similar in the writings of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters?
They both portrayed women as very independent, who didn’t always follow the general expectation of how women should act. For example, as a young child, Catherine had a very strong personality and did what she wanted to, not always obeying her fathers commands.
What factor led up to Robert trying to marry Shirley?
Robert tried to marry Shirley because he thought he could exploit Shirley’s wealth to help his business. Although he did not truly love Shirley, wealth was the only thing he needed at the moment to survive
Is family intervention okay? (Using Pride and Prejudice)
Family intervention can harm one physically. In Pride and Prejudice, Mrs. Bennet conspires to send Jane by a horse rather than a coach, knowing that it will rain so that Jane will consequently have to spend the night at Mr. Bingley’s house. The plan works out too well and Jane has to spend the next few days in the Bingleys’ house.
What is the incentive to rise in power and status? (Using Shirley)
People want to rise in power and status because they need to fulfill their actual necessities and maintain their reputations. In the book Shirley, Robert has to gain money in order to run his family's business.
What was happening during this time period that led to the appearances of motifs regarding class struggles in the books?
The 19th century came right after the French Revolution. By the end of this century, the Russian Revolution took place. In this time period, many marginalized groups of society, demanded greater equality.
How do Kitty and Lydia reflect typical perception of women? (Using Pride and Prejudice)
Women are generally looked down on and they are seen as people who are only there for love and they have no power. Kitty and Lydia reflect the typical idea of women by always going to town to look at the soldiers marching, they are immature and gossipy and also self-involved.
Did Emma love Mr. Knightley all along or was it only after Harriet made her jealous?
While it took Emma a significant time and much meddling in other people's affairs, I believe she gradually developed a love for the man. He was one of the few men in her life who was never too quick to praise her or fall for her beauty. He saw Emma for what she truly was and was able to match her quick wit and perception. Harriet was a catalyst in the process of Emma’s realization of her love, and so Mr. Knightley was able to return it.
Can love be forced? (Using Emma)
Love cannot be forced, because then it turns into more of a resentment, rather than a true love. When Emma tries her hand at matchmaking, pushing Harriet and Mr. Elton together, she eventually realizes that no matter how much she tries, she fails and the two cannot love each other; it must come from their own hearts. Emma finds herself in the same situation when Mr. Elton reveals his love for her and Emma cannot reciprocate it; he cannot force his feelings upon her.
Does society accept marriage between classes? (Using Wuthering Heights)
In this time period, not many accepted the association between higher and lower class, especially in marriage. Hindley and Frances Earnshaw disliked Heathcliff and did not approve of Catherine and Heathcliff having any relationship with each other.
What were personal experiences that were portrayed in the books? (Using Wuthering Heights)
In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte was bitten by dog and never quite recovered from this traumatizing event. As a result, the dogs in the book that she writes about are portrayed as vicious and wild.
What causes Shirley to reject Robert's proposal? (Using Shirley)
Shirley rejects Robert's marriage proposal because Robert simply wanted to use her wealth to run his business.
Why does Elizabeth like her sister Jane the best?
Elizabeth likes Jane the best out of all her sisters because Jane's character has more substance and depth. Also, Jane cares the most about her sister and interacts with her the most.