This item was placed in the mouth of the recently deceased in Ancient Greece.
A coin.
This famous sporting event originated in Ancient Greece.
The Olympics.
This city-state was known for its military prowess and was featured in the movie "300".
Ancient Greeks primarily wore this type of clothing.
Tunics or robes.
The Parthenon on the Acropolis housed a massive statue of this goddess.
This famous Greek leader died in Babylon in 323 BCE after conquering much of the known world.
Alexander the Great.
This was a popular form of entertainment in Ancient Greece, often featuring stories of gods and heroes.
This Greek poet is credited with writing the Iliad and the Odyssey.
This system of government, meaning "rule by the people," was practised in Athens.
This practice involved citizens voting to exile individuals for 10 years.
This period, roughly from 480 to 404 BCE, is considered the height of Greek civilization.
The Golden Age.
This famous library, destroyed in antiquity, was located in Egypt but was a centre of Greek learning.
Library of Alexandria.