A city state of the Ancient Greek civilization can also be known as
These two City States of Greek Civilizations thrived due to great military success
Athens and Sparta
What is full of holes but still holds water?
A sponge
This Athenian Statesman sparked growth and learning in Athens to boost the Golden Age
In the 2024 Primary Presidential Election - New York voted Democrat (blue) or Republican (red)
Democrat (blue)
This 27 year long feud occurred between the City States of Athens and Sparta, known as
Peloponnesian War
This is the name given to a large land mass that protrudes into a body of water
First, you throw away my outside and cook the inside. Then you eat my outside and throw away the inside. What am I?
Corn on the cob
This king of Macedonia conquered Athens and other Greek City States before his assassination
Phillip II
New York is home to 2 professional (NBA) basketball teams, known as
New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets
This period during Athens was described with great advancement and growth
The Golden Age
Greece is located within this Continent
Amber threw the ball as hard as she could. It came right back to her, even though no one and nothing touched it. How is this possible?
She threw the ball straight up in the air.
This man was the heir of Macedonia - and spread his empire from Athens to the Himalayas
Alexander the Great
New York implementation of this policy with a goal of reducing traffic during specific times, and regulating air quality
Congestion Pricing
Describe the definition of Hellenistic Culture
A combination of Greek, Persian, and Indian art, philosophy, science, math, architecture, and traditions that were created through contact between people ruled by Alexander the Great and spread by those that traveled in his empire.
This mountain range was known the be the "Home of the Gods"
Mount Olympus
If there are six daughters in a family and each one has a brother, how many kids are in the family?
Seven (each sister has the same brother)
This individual was a Greek philosopher who made great contributions to Science and Philosophy - was also responsible for spreading top notch education to Alexander the Great
This famous food joint has been featured in movies like "Spider-Man 2" and has been known to be visited by a massive amount of celebrities such as Bill Murray and Kim Kardashian
Joe's Pizza
The Hellenistic Culture was the combination of which 4 civilizations
Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian
There are two options for Seas to the South of Greece, they are known as
Mediterranean Sea & Sea of Crete
A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays two days then leaves on a Saturday
King Phillip II was assassinated by his former lover, who was mentioned in our video, this man was named
From 2004 to 2019 this player played Quarterback in the NFL for the New York Giants - was known as their franchise Quarterback - leading the team to 2 Superbowl victories
Eli Manning