Which bird is a symbol of Athena?
What is an owl?
How long was Odysseus away from home?
What is twenty years?
Which Roman figure crossed the Rubicon and thus started a civil war?
Who is Julius Caesar?
Which major battle did Mark Antony flee from?
What is the Battle of Actium?
Who was the founder of Rome?
Who is Romulus?
How many labors did Heracles have?
What is twelve?
Who is the sorceress who turns Odysseus' men into pigs in "The Odyssey"?
Who is Circe?
After the fall of the Roman Republic, who took over and started the Roman Empire?
Who is Octavian/Augustus?
What war did Hannibal bring elephants over the Alps to attack Rome?
What is the second Punic War?
What god has the same name in both the Greek and Roman pantheons?
In Greek mythology, who falls in love with a statue?
Who is Pygmalion?
Which Greek playwright wrote the 'Oresteia' trilogy?
Who is Aeschylus?
Who is the foreign queen who rebelled against Rome? (two possible answers)
Who is Cleopatra?
Who is Boudica?
What battle is depicted in the movie '300'?
What is the Battle of Thermopylae?
What group of women were stolen from their people to stimulate the growth of early Rome?
Who are the Sabine women?
Whose blood is Pegasus said to be born from?
Who is Medusa?
In Greek literature, where does Oedipus' name come from?
What is foot mangling/swell foot?
Which Greek leader never lost a battle?
Who is Alexander the Great?
What naval battle did the Greeks win despite being outnumbered by the Persians?
What is the Battle of Salamis?
Where did Aeneas flee from before landing in Italy?
What is Troy?
In Hesiod's 'Theogony' who is the first being to come into existence?
Who is Chaos?
From which Greek play does this quote come from: "A husband or child can be replaced, but who can grow me a new brother?"
What is Sophocles' Antigone
Who is the president of Eta Sigma Phi?
Who is Audrey Riley?
What was the last major battle of the Peloponnesian War?
What is the Battle of Aegospotami?
What two notable divine figures are ancestors of Romulus and Remus?
Who are Mars and Venus?