Greco-Roman Myths
Germanic/Norse Myths
Modern Influence
Mythological Worlds and Concepts

This Greek hero was such a talented musician, he convinced Hades to let him take his wife back from the dead.

Who is Orpheus?


This Norse god of thunder and lightning had to put on a wedding dress and pretend to marry the king of the trolls in order to win back his hammer, Mjolnir.

Who is Thor?


These days of the week are named after the Germanic/Nordic gods Tyr, Woden, Thor, and Frigg.

What are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday?


This 2019 Tony Award-winning musical was based on the myth of Orpheus.

What is Hadestown?


A type of myth that explains how something came to be -- for example, the Flood narrative explaining the origin of rainbows.

What is an etiological myth?


This beautiful young man was cursed with falling in love with his own reflection.

Who is Narcissus?


Also known as the All-Father, this Norse god sacrificed one of his own eyes in order to drink from Mimir's well to gain wisdom.

Who is Odin?


Writer/Philosopher Albert Camus called this mythological figure the ideal example of the "Absurd Hero" because of his willingness to keep going with his pointless task of pushing a boulder up a hill.

Who is Sisyphus?


Orphee, a 1950 French adaptation of the myth of Orpheus, was written and directed by this auteur filmmaker, who was also a poet and artist.

Who is Jean Cocteau?


A mythology's explanation of the universe.

What is cosmogony?


This mythological figure was a Titan who was punished for stealing fire from the gods to give it to man. 

Who is Prometheus?


This trickster god was both a mother and father, having turned himself into a female horse and getting pregnant with the eight-legged steed Sleipnir. 

Who is Loki?


This mental disorder is named after a Greek mythical figure who fell in love with himself.

What is narcissism?


In this Medieval Celtic version of the Orpheus myth, the Orpheus character succeeds in bringing back his wife.

What is "Sir Orfeo"?


All the gods of a particular religion.

What is a pantheon?


According to Greek mythology, she was the first woman, created as a punishment against men, famed for releasing all of the evils into the world by opening a forbidden box. 

Who is Pandora?


The name given to the pantheon of Norse gods.

What is the Aesir?


Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud developed this theory, named after mythical Greek king, which proposes that young boys have a desire to kill their fathers in order to win their mothers' affections.

What is the Oedipus Complex?


This song from the musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch was a retelling of an ancient Greek myth about how humans went from four-legged, four-armed, and two-headed beings of three sexes to our current halved state.

What is "The Origin of Love"?


Where all of the Greek gods were said to live.

What is Mt. Olympus?


This man, the greatest inventor of all time, was the father of Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun.

Who is Daedalus?


The first being in Norse cosmogony, from whose body the earth (Midgard) was created.

Who is Ymir?


The debate over whether or not people have free will has been going on for thousands of years, but according to the ancient Greeks, people's lives were determined by these three women.

Who are the Fates?


In this Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Odin loses an eye in battle, unlike in the original myth.

What is Thor?


In Norse myths, the worlds are all connected by this tree, also known as the World Tree.

What is Yggdrasil?
