How many classification of types according to Dj Buranov?
Genetic, Areal, Structural,Comparative
Who are the scholars of Genetic Typology?
Jacob Grimm, Franz Bopp, Rasmus Rask, Alexander Vostokov and Jirmunskiy
What are the branches of Comparative Typology?
Phonetic and phonological typology, Morphological typology, Syntactic typology, Lexical typlogy
Lucky card🫠❤️🔥
Unlucky card😢
What is the difference allomorphism and isomorphism feature?
Isomorphism ( common feature)
Allomorphism(unique feature)
Structural typology aims to identify structural language types. And it comprises four branches.What are they?
Linguistic universal, typological classification, etalon language, typological theory
What is Etalon language?
The Etalon language serves as a reference for Linguistic Typology and acts as a tool for language comparison.
Notion of “etalon language” was introduced by……
Boris Uspenskiy.