What should be done once you come into the classroom?
Walk and sit at your desk. Wait quietly for instructions.
When sitting in your group how should you act with your group mates?
Be nice and see if they need help.(Unless instructed by the teacher not to do so.)
What must you do if you have a question for the teacher?
Rasie your hand and wait to be called on.
When taking a book from the library, what must you do once you are done reading?
Place the book back were you found it with the spine facing out.
When lining up what must you do?
Line up in number order, straight line, and quiet.
When the teacher is talking, what must you do?
sit quietly and rasie your hand if there is a question.
Do you get tickets for showing kindness to a classmate?
Do you get up from your seat at anytime?
No, you don't unless the teacher asks you to.
When using the teachers supplies, what must you do with them once you are done?
Put all the supplies back into the box and place them where you got them.
Do you talk when your teacher is talking?
If the whole class behaves, what does the class recieve?
They recieve a reward
Will the class get rewarded if they all show kindness?
When should you use the bathroom?
During our own independent time.
Can you eat in your class?
Only during breakfast or snack when allowed.
Do we walk funny on the stairs?
No we don't because we could trip and fall.
What must you do when a classmate is speaking?
Sit quietly and rasie your hand if you have a question of something to say.
Should you share your school supplies?
If you would like to yes
How do you answer a question?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
What should you do if you drop something on the floor?
Pick it up and throw it in the trash if its garbage.
When going to the bathroom, what should you do?
Show the bathroom hand signal
Is bullying allowed?
No, this is a no bullying zone.
Should you push in your chairs when you get up?
Yes, you don't want anyone to trip over your chair.
should you talk when the announcements are happening?
No, you must wait until the announcements are over.
Do we run or put our hands on any of our classmates?
No we do not.
When walking on the lunch or recess do we talk?