R+ Schedule
What to do?
ABA Terminology

Top Tokens: VR2

Bottom Tokens: VR2 replacement BX

Who is Amelia


Any attempted or successful instance in which X uses his hand to hit any part of his head.  

Who is Preyas


When P is having a seizure

start timer

unbuckle top straps

Lift head back

touch face/eyelashes until Preyas reacts to touch

Stop timer


Any instance X uses his hands to hit his leg or face, chin presses, or dropping to the floor on his knees or his bottom in an attempt to physically harm self. Every physical contact with his body counts as one instance.

Who is Elias- SIB


Occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the presentation of a stimulus that increases the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions.

Positive reinforcement 


FR1 every correct response (absence of behavior) 

Who is Quinn


How long after JPM non-compliance until you start timer for it to count as non-compliance?



AD Bolting

State, "Alex Stop"

prompt back to original location

prompt FCR

Honor request or state when it will be available

Continue with demand 


Any instance or attempt in which X body makes forceful contact with another person, including but not limited to grabbing, scratching, pinching, biting, or pushing. 

Who is Quinn- Aggression


What is interresponse time?

Amount of time that elapses between two consecutive instances of behavior 


FR5 correct responding (absence of BX)

FR1- sitting in seat

Who is Mr. Crump


Whos Behavior?

Any instance in which X stands up from his desk or walks away from his assigned area without permission to do so.   

Who is Quinn


Janelle engages in aggression while doing work?

remove AAC device

flip iPad/dino visual & remove from area

present compliance task for her to complete absent of BX

present work

earn break without dino/iPad


Any instance of X leaving the designated area without being instructed to do so. This may include X scooting back in X chair away from his designated area in the classroom.

Who is Juan Pa- Bolting


Reinforcement that occurs independent of the social mediation of others (e.g., scratching an insect bite relieves the itch)

automatic reinforcement 


FR2 (1 work and 1 leisure in the absence of behaviors) 

Who is Alex D.


Name AW Behaviors (listed on her data sheet) 





BX outburst

Loud vocals


EC Flopping Procedure

  • Remain neutral and limit attention.
  • Neutrally state, “Elias stand up” one time.
  • Start timer if flopped for longer than 5 seconds.
  • If Elias complies, neutrally state, “Good job standing up”

If Continues

  • Put a puzzle or matching board on the ground in front of Elias and state, “Do the puzzle”
  • Once the puzzle is complete represent the demand to “Stand up”.
  • If Elias complies follow procedure in the BX stops above.
  • If Elias does not comply state 8-10 gross motor directives (i.e., touch tummy, touch head, clap hands) and provide a light physical guide to assist him in engaging in the imitation direction.
  • Repeat steps 1-4 until Elias stands.

Any attempted or successful instance of X ripping, crumpling, breaking, swiping, knocking over, kicking, or throwing an item that does not make contact with another person.  

Who is Janelle- Environmental Destruction


A principle that states that making the opportunity to engage in a high probability behavior contingent on the occurrence of a low-frequency behavior will function as reinforcement for the low-frequency behavior 

Premack principle


FR2 (top tokens for correct responding absence of BX)

VR2 (bottom tokens replacement behavior)

Who is Janelle!


What does Janelle loose her bottom ipad/dino tokens for?

30 seconds of non-compliance

loud vocals

mock aggression


Quinn X Board criteria

Every Instance of Grabbing staff- 1X

Every 30 seconds of NC- 1X

Once he gets all 3X's he goes to the neutral workspace and completes 1 puzzle, 1 matching board, and coping routine absent of behaviors. 


Any instance of X exhibiting utterances louder than a conversational volume (whining, screaming, crying) outside of an appropriate context (i.e., playing in the gym, crying after an injury, etc.) with an inter-response time of 10 seconds.

Who is Alex D, Loud vocals


a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power though its association with a primary reinforcer; also known as secondary reinforcer

What is a conditioned reinforcer


Variable Interval (VI I) completion of one teacher directed activity

Variable Interval (VI45) break on mat, PT/OT, swing, crash pad etc. 

Who is Preyas

Name AD behaviors listed on his data sheet



Loud Vocals


Innapropriate touch


JPM Skin Picking

Remain neutral

Do not block/cause attention

put gloves on if not on already

provide w/sensory items

Break: remove iPad and state, "Safe hands for tablet" 

Work: Present choice board, state "First x then X"

continue with work or demand


Any instance X attempts to or makes physical contact with a peer or staff by biting, hitting, or kicking in an attempt to physically harm another person. Every physical contact counts as one occurrence.

Who is Elias- Aggression


Name the 4 schedules of reinforcement 

Variable Interval (VI)

Variable Ratio (VR)

Fixed Ratio (FR)

Fixed Interval (FI) 


FR5 absent of behavior (1–5-minute break) then FR5 absent of behavior (5-minute break)

Who is Juan Pablo


How long does Amelia have to be biting her hand for for it to count as SIB?

any contact


AW Level System

Yellow- 2 reminders to have a calm body or follow directions (complete coping routine to get back to green)(then work to earn break) 

Red- unsafe behavior (aggression, SIB, bolting, bx outburst)(complete 2 work free of BX to move to yellow)(complete coping to return to green then work for a break) 


Any instance in which X  engages in crying, or X paired with one or more of the following behaviors: aggression, self-injurious behavior, and bolting for 30 seconds or more.  

Who is AW- Bx outburst

A procedure for decreasing problem behavior in which reinforcement is delivered for a behavior that serves as a desirable alternative to the behavior targeted for reduction and withheld following instances of the problem behavior (e.g., reinforcing completion of academic worksheet items when the behavior targeted for reduction is talk-outs) 

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)
