What type of token chart does Alex use?
1-2-3 strip: remove numbers as work is completed, he may have a reward when all three are taken off
When can Andres sleep?
Non-contingently all day
How long are Daniel's rewards?
3 minutes
How often does Jenna need sensory breaks?
About every 15 minutes
How long is Mitchal's reward?
3 minutes
What is Alex's reactive strategy for Physical Aggression? (2 answers)
1. Remain non verbal and block
2. Model calm hands/body
What is the reactive strategy for Head Banging? (3 answers)
1. Block
2. Firm No (STOP)
3. Apply Helmet after one minute of severe head banging
How often are Daniel's tokens delivered?
Every 2-3 occurrences of compliance, in addition to tokens he can have edibles in the afternoon during work.
Do we talk in Jenna's crisis?
No talking at all
How often does Mitchal earn tokens?
Every minute for calm body
Why can we not have songs or IPAD for reward?
Because it is too overstimulating for him
How long can Andres work for?
10 minutes at a time
How long can Daniel Sleep for on the bean bag?
1 Hour, but can have it non contingently after seizure activity.
If Jenna throws an item what should happen?
Pick it up for her and prompt to request "all done" and then remove the item
How often does Mitchal need a movement break?
Every 15 minutes
What are the behaviors we track for Alex? (4 answers)
1. Physical Aggression
2. Non-compliance
3. SIB
4. Calm
How long are Andres's breaks?
Breaks not to exceed 5 minutes
What is Daniel's CASH definition?
2 aggressions or 3 property destructions in 1 minute, or any elopement out of the classroom.
If Jenna swallows any object, what should happen immediately?
Call the nurse and inform the teacher.
What is the reactive protocol for Mitchal throwing objects? (4 answers)
1. Block if possible
2. Remain neutral in facial expression
3. Prompt calm hands non verbally
4. If on preferred activity that activity should end and explain when things are not calm
What is the definition of Alex's CASH?
3 minutes of on and off aggression or SIB that is not redirectable
What can you do proactively in the bathroom, to prevent hair pulling or physical aggression?
Bring a toy or IPAD to keep his hands busy.
What is classified as "not calm" to transport Daniel back into time out? (3 answers)
Swearing, Aggression, or property destruction.
What is Jenna's reactive protocol for elopement? (3 answers)
1. Block access to peers and small items
2. Make sure no items were swallowed
3. Return back to initial area, present Jenna with choices of what she wants/ needs, original demand completed before granting request
What should happen when Mitchal eats items off the floor?
Use bite release to remove the item from his mouth