You can get Roger integrated receivers for non-Phonak hearing aids (T/F)
How to connect any Phonak receiver to any Roger transmitter
Use the Connect button
If you had a classroom with one student who came with a Simeon Audita sound field system, one student who came with integrated receivers and a Roger On transmitter, and one student who came with a Phonak Touchscreen and a Digimaster 5000 sound field, the teacher would need to wear 3 different transmitters.
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining hard
Two ways a student could use a MyLink or Neckloop to hear from the transmitter
Through a telecoil on the hearing aid/CI OR with headphones plugged into the receiver
Number of student receivers you can connect to a single transmitter
slow is to walk as fast is to ________.
Couch Potato
Lazy, someone who watches TV
Roger Direct compatibility
Any Marvel, Paradise or Lumity hearing aid
The number of transmitters you can connect to a single TouchScreen is unlimited, e.g. multiple Touchscreens + multiple passaround microphones + multiple MultiMedia Hubs (T/F)
False. Phonak says the maximum is 35, but who's going to manage all that?
People are to hands as dogs are to
I'm all ears
I'm paying close attention
Power source for a Phonak integrated receiver for a hearing aid (e.g a Roger 18)
The hearing aid battery
What is an idiom?
A common phrase that has an alternative meaning.
Example- It's raining cats and dogs!
Ice cream is to spoon as salad is to
He got up on the wrong side of the bed
He's in a bad mood, grumpy
3 types of Focus receivers that you might encounter
Original Focus, Focus 2 with a nonrechargeable hearing aid battery, Focus 2 with a rechargeable battery
What is personification?
Giving an animal or object qualities only a human can have. Example- My alarm yelled at me this morning
Hand is to mitten as head is to
Tied up