What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be called on.
How should you behave in the hallway?
Walk quickly and quietly in the hallway.
When we are doing a lab, where are your binders and iPads?
On the shelves around the outside of the room.
How do we treat substitute teachers and guests to the classroom?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
What is the hand signal for bathroom?
Thumbs Up
When is the best time to go sharpen your pencil?
When the teacher is not actively teaching, we are working quietly.
When we need to leave the room, where do we line up?
Along the side of the room, wrapping along the back of the room.
Should you ever be eating or drinking during a lab?
Where does your Lab Folder belong?
Does it EVER leave the classroom?
The lab folder belongs in the bin along the side of the room.
What is the hand signal for water?
Three fingers, makes a W shape
How do we behave when others are talking?
Respectfully, quietly, with attention.
Why should you be quiet in the hallway?
other students are learning and we don't want to interrupt
If you accidentally break a piece of glassware or lab equipment, what should you do?
Let Mr. T know as soon as possible.
When are you NOT able to use the restroom (school rule)?
10 minute rule, first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of the class period.
What is the hand signal for "All Good"?
The "Shaka", Thumb and pinky pointing out, the rest of the fingers closed.
When do you get up to throw away your trash?
When Mr. T is not teaching, during work time.
Is there running allowed in the hallway at any time?
We are doing a lab with dangerous chemicals. What protective gear should we be wearing?
Lab coat?
If you are submitting a document on Schoology that is 2 or more pages, what is the correct procedure and format for that file?
We scan the document as a multi-page PDF using the Notes App, the submit the assignment using the Schoology App
How do I signal the class to be quiet?
I raise my hand, and the class follows.
The class is done but there is still 30 seconds until the bell, what do you do?
1. Remain at our seats until the bell.
2. Push in our chairs.
3. Walk to your next class.
How loud should students be talking in the hallway?
Should not be talking in the hallway
Before we start any lab, what must we always have read?
The Lab procedure or directions.
What are the three things you should do when you come into the classroom?
1. Quietly go to your seat and sit down (Don't wander around the classroom).
2. Find the Do Now on the SmartBoard or White Board.
3. Take out your binder or iPad to complete the Do Now.
Show me each one of the hand signals as I say them.
Everyone in your group must do it.