Recess and PCP
Showing Kindness

What voice level should we have in the hallway? Why?

Voice level 0, so other classes can stay focused on their work.


When we bring our snack outside, where should the trash go?

In the garbage can, NOT on the ground.


What do we need to do when we are on the rug?

Eyes on the whiteboard, sit in your rug spot, listen to each other, and show a quiet thumb if you have something to share.


When an adult asks to give 5, what do we do?

Our hands go up, our voices go off, our ears are ready to listen, our body is calm, and our mind is focused on what the person is saying.

Why is it important to show kindness to others?

There might be lots of great answers to this question! Here's one:

Showing kindness is helpful because that helps us all be a part of a learning community. We can learn better when we feel safe, and we feel safe if we know that our teacher and classmates will show kindness to us.


What tile should we all walk on? Why?

We walk on the second tile. There are a few reasons:

1. Leaving space for other people and classes to walk on the other side of the hallway.

2. Making sure we aren't touching the wall and damaging artwork or student work on those walls.

3. This also makes sure our class stays together on the way to different areas of the school.


What does playing safely look like?

There are lots of different ways to play safely at recess.

1. Keep your body to yourself.

2. If you get upset about something, go play a different game or ask for some space.

3. If someone is hurt, find a teacher right away.

4. If you're playing a game with rules, play by those rules. Don't be unfair just because you want to win.


What voice level should we usually be at if we are working on something independently at our seats?

Usually voice level 0 to work or voice level 1 to ask a question. If we need to use a different voice level, Mr. Noah will let you know.


After you get your lunch, which table do you go sit at?

The lunch tables set up for our class!


What are some examples of kind reminders to other people?

-Quiet Coyotes (not in anybody's face), 

-words like "excuse me" and "please"

-questions like "Hey, can I have a little more space please?"

-"Please stop, I don't really like that."


Imagine you want to tell your friend or your teacher something while walking in line in the hallway. Should you have your conversation in the hallway or a different time?

A different time so we don't distract other classes. Good times are lunch, recess, and PCP during games or work time.


If you have a problem with someone at recess or PCP, what are some ways you can try to solve it?

There are lots of ways to solve problems:

1. Walk away to cool off. Come back when you feel better.

2. Ask them to please stop. 

3. Ignore them. Pretend like they don't exist.

4. Share your materials, take turns, or make a deal with them.


Imagine that you have a question about something you are working on. What is the best way to let your teacher know you have a question?

Raise your hand at your seat!


What does acting responsibly in the lunchroom look like and sound like? 

Looks like: waiting our turn in the lunch line, sitting down at our table, eating as much of our lunch as we can, cleaning up after ourselves, keeping our food to ourselves

Sounds like: voice level 2 conversations, quiet when giving 5


What does showing kindness look like in our classroom? Out at recess? At PCP?

In our classroom: stay focused on your work, ignore distractions, use kind words to ask for what you need

At recess: try to solve problems, share or take turns, invite people to play 

At PCP: play by the rules, share your materials or take turns, use kind words


Did this person follow hallway expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

While walking in the hallway with his class, Yohannas decides to get out of his line order spot and walk next to his friend near the back of the line. They have a conversation while they walk to lunch.

No, Yohannas should stay in his line order spot and wait to have the conversation until they're not in the hallway anymore.


Did this person follow recess/PCP expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

During PE with her class, lots of people were upset with Elilta for not following the rules of a game. She was hurting people, laughing at them, and changing rules so she could win.

Not really!

Next time, Elilta could focus on keeping her body to herself, using kind words, and following the rules of the game. That helps everyone have a good time.


Did this person follow classroom expectations? If not, what could they do differently? 

Amina has a question about a math problem on her worksheet. She raises her hand to ask a question. Ms. De Mello asks her to wait while she finishes working on another question. Amina works on a different problem and waits for Ms. De Mello.

Yes! Amina did a great job asking for what she needed in a kind way by raising her hand. She also worked on a different problem while she waited.


Did this person follow lunchroom expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

Isaac was really, really hungry one day and decided the line wasn't moving fast enough. He pushed the people in front of him to try to get them to move faster.


Next time, Isaac can wait his turn in line and keep his body to himself.


Did this person show kindness? If not, what could they do differently?

Pretty sees that Yohannas made a drawing of a robot during art class. "Yohannas, that looks really cool, I like the colors you picked!" Pretty says. Yohannas says thank you.

Yes! Pretty gave Yohannas a nice compliment on his drawing.


Did this person follow hallway expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

While walking in the hallway with her class, Bridget starts walking on her hands to see if she can make it all the way to PE that way. Her foot hits another student in the shoulder.

Not really, they weren't walking safely in the hallway. Walking safely means just using your feet to walk. 

A safer place to try walking on hands is probably recess, or PE (after you ask for permission to try it). 


Did this person follow recess/PCP expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

Shauden had a problem with Juan at recess. He asked Juan to stop, and when Juan didn't stop, Shauden ignored him and walked away to find another game to play.

Yes! Shauden did a great job using problem solving strategies.


Did this person follow classroom expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

While sitting on the rug with the class for a science lesson, Salman starts having a conversation about Minecraft with Abdurahman. Ms. De Mello reminds him to save the conversation for later, so he pauses the conversation and turns his eyes back to the whiteboard.

Salman did need a reminder to save the conversation for another time, but he listened to his teacher and refocused on learning quickly.


Did this person follow lunchroom expectations? If not, what could they do differently?

Amelie is finished with her lunch, so she goes to throw away her garbage and put her plate back. Mr. Said asks for everyone to give 5. She stops where she is, keeps her plate in her hand, and listens for Mr. Said's instructions. After Mr. Said is done, she puts her plate back and sits back down at her table.

Yes, Amelie followed expectations. When someone asked for 5, she didn't keep moving and doing what she was doing--she calmed her body down and listened for instructions.

Did this person show kindness? If not, what could they do differently?

Nathan is having trouble with a math problem and starts to say things like "I can't do it, I'm just not smart at math." Lou'mya laughs at him, but Quayvis says "that's not true, you can do it. Do you want some help?"

Lou'mya laughed, which doesn't show kindness. Next time, Lou'mya could encourage him to ask a question or try a different strategy. She could also just say nothing and it would be kinder than laughing.

Quayvis told Nathan he could do it and offered to help him. Quayvis showed kindness two different ways.
