True or False
This or That
Do you Remember?
Name the Type of Assessment!
A process of observing a sample of a students behavior and drawing inferences about the student’s knowledge and abilities.
What is an Assesment In order for a teacher to be an effectively execute an assesment in class he or she has to take three parts of the definition to account: 1)They have to observe a specific behavior 2)Sample of behavior 3)drawing an inference from the observed behavior and making a particular judgement.
Watching little Jacob squint his eyes frequently as he tries to read words on the blackboard and infering that he might need to see an optometrist is an example of an informal assesment?
True Assesments are not just done by paper and pencil, can also make assessments by drawing conclusions by things they observe such as specific behaviors and they can then make diffrent judgements about what a student might or might not need to continue learning.
Traditional or Authentic Assesment Having a student give a powerpoint presentation about themselves in a language other than their own is an example of ?
Authentic Assesment: Authentinc Assesments apply what a student has learned to future real-world tasks. Asking a student to talk about themselves infront of a classroom is a good example because you can both test the student on their language abilities and it is something they are very likely to be doing with their knowledge once they finish the class.
The tearm given to a test taking strategie that enhances your test performance
What is Testwiseness: This strategie is helpful since it gives students practice responding to unfamiliar formats.
What is Norm-Referenced assesment
Tests that are developed by test construction experts and published for use in many different schools and classrooms.
What is Standardized tests: This is diffrent from teacher developed assesments because Standardized test such as the CAHSEE, and the SAT's are given to students on a larger scale while teacher developed assesments are only given to students in an idividual classroom.
Teacher developed assessments can and ideally should give us information we can use to help students improve.
True: This is different from Norm-referenced assesments are administered in order to identify students well-above or well below their age group.
Criterion-referenced or Norm-reference assesment :They tell us how well each student stacks up against others at the same age or grade level?
What is Norm-reference assesment : While Criterion-referenced assesments indicate the mastery or non-mastery of specific topics. Norm-refenrence assesments compare the abilities of an individual student with other students of the same age and grade.
What the name is for scores that are based solely on the number or point value of correctly answered items.
What is the Raw Score
Final Exam
What is a Summative Assesment
Assesments that have similar content, format, are administered and sourced similarly for a large population.
What is Standardization*
Formative evaluations help us find suitable starting points when creating lesson plans for our students. Feedback gives us insight on their needs while at the same time guiding our effectiveness as teachers.
True Remember: Formative Evaluations are done before or during instruction. Past evaluations help guide us as teachers as we strive to include topics and basic skills to help students keep on making progress.
Formative vs. Summative Evaluation: Assessing what students know and can do *before* and *during* instruction.
What is Formative evaluation: Summative Evaluation: conducting an assessment *after* instruction to make *final* determinations about what students have achieved. Help us determine mastery of content, final grades, and if we should refer certain students to more or less challenging classes such as AP
Reliability:Consistency as Validity:_______?
What is Accuracy:
The teacher tells you that for your final exam you will be baking a cake. or Example question: Your best friend decides to split a whole eight piece pizza with you how many slices would each of you get?
What is an authentic assesment Remember! It is a test on a real life experience you might need to face some day. World application.
Consistently low assessment results should tell us that some modifications of instruction should be made.
What is True: Consistently low assessment results should tell us that some modifications of instruction should be made and that we should consider what we can do differently.
Content Validity or Construct Validity? the extent to which an assesment includes a representation sample of task within the task domain being assesed.
What is Content Validity. Construct Valididty has to do with the extent at which an assesment accurately measures an unobservable educational or psychological characteristic
What are the four characteristics of a good classroom assessment:
What is reliability, standardization, validity, and practicality.
Midterm Exam
What is Summative assesment
Phenomenon in which people are more likely to perceive positive behaviors in someone they like or admire.
What is the Halo Effect
Giving a test is an example of a teaching method?
True: Assessment is instruction.It tells students what things were the most important for them to learn and review.
Paper-pencil assessment vs.Performance assessment? which type of assessment do students need to address on paper?
What is paper pencil assessment.
Involves a spontaneous, unplanned observation of something a student says or does.
What is Informal assessment
An exam on a specific subject and specific chapter
What is Criterion Referenced Assesment