sometimes students like to joke around and call multiple choice tests...
multiple guess tests
what are some characteristics of standardized testing
tests administered, scored and interpreted in a standard manner. same directions, time limits, and scoring for all
what is the median in grading
the middle score in a group of scores
what is something you can put into a portfolio
reflections, graphs, assignments.. basically anything that a person has done and can look back on
what is an example of objective testing
multiple choice, matching questions, true/false statements, short answer, fill in the blanks
what is an example of a classroom assessment
unit tests, essays, portfolios, projects, performances
what does range mean in grading
distance between the highest and the lowest scores in a group
give an example of measurement method
Instead of saying "Sarah doesnt understand addition." a teacher might say "Sarah only answered 2 of the 15 additon problems."
what is authentic assessment
students apply skill like they would in real life
when does formative assessment occur
before or during instruction
what is the definition of standard scores
scores based on the standard deviation
what is the "stem" of a multiple choice question?
the part that asks the question
what is performance assessment
students do an activity or produce a product to demonstrate learning
when does summative assessment occur
at the end of instruction
what is the definition of mode in teaching
most frequently occurring score
whats a norm group
large sample of students serving as a comparison group for scoring tests
what is a kind of informal assessment
keeping notes, observing, rating scales, checklists
whats a pretest
Formative test given before instruction to assess areas of weaknesses remain so teaching can focus on these subjects
what does it mean if you get 75% percentile rank
you are at the same level or below 75% of the people
give an example of authentic testing
using fractions to reduce recipes