What is sit down and read quietly in the hallway?
Where should I sit for whole group mini-lesson?
What is on the carpet in front of the SMART board unless Ms. William s says otherwise?
Which number group should get their food from the serving line closest to the wall? Which number group should get their food from the serving line nearest the doors?
What is... 1-15 & 16-30?
When is homework due? What happens if you do not complete your homework or fail to turn it in when it i is due?
What is the next day, unless Ms. Williams states otherwise?
You will have an academic lunch which includes you sitting at the silent table and completing your unfinished work.
What are two ways to earn a zero for a grade?
What is not writing my name on my assignment,not completing it on time, copying someone else's work?
When it's time to line up for ELA, what should I do?
What is get all of my material that I'll need, turn my desk around, and line up quietly?
What is Math with the teacher and At your seat.
Math with the teacher you should be at the small rectangular table with a dry erase board, marker, math notebook, and a writing utensil?
How many table cleaners should there be and who are these people?
How can you earn extra credit?
What is getting my planner signed every night by my parent?
What is Ms. Williams' dog's name?
What is Mickey?
If I forget my things in my backpack after unpacking when should I get them?
What is technology and hands-on?
During technology I am using my device or chrome book only on the activity assigned to me. During hands-on I should be playing the game or activity assigned to me.
What table number do we sit at?
What is... table 12?
What should you take home with you every night to ensure you can properly complete your homework with understanding?
What is my binder, agenda book, math, ss, and/or science notebook?
What is the school wide reward system that we use for behavior incentives?
What is behavior bucks?
What should I do when I come in, in the morning?
What is unpack my belongings, eat my breakfast, and complete my calendar math?
What should I do if my activity is complete during workshop if it is not time to rotate or end workshop?
What is play the activity again or do something on the early finisher wall?
My voice should be at a level 2, and I should only talk to the person to my right, left , and in front of me.
Which subject's homework can be done in pen?
What is NONE OF THEM? You are allowed to take notes in pen but all homework and classwork MUST be done in pen or it will not be graded.
These tickets are for SOAR'ing behavior and learning, and can be used for the 5th grade prize room.
Where should I turn in my homework or assignments? How long do I have to turn in my homework?
What is find the basket with the subject and class letter (A/B) and put it in that basket. My homework and classwork should be turned in the day after they're assigned?
What should I do with my completed work after workshop?
What is... work from at your seat should be turned into the math basket. Exit tickets should be turned into Ms. Williams.
What does SOAR'ing in the cafeteria look like? BE SPECIFIC
on-task by coming in getting my lunch and going to my seat quickly and quietly, and eating lunch during the given time
accountable by not sharing food, and cleaning up your area
respectful by chewing with your mouth closed and making sure you are mannerable
What should I do before beginning my homework?
What is write my name, date, class , read directions, and make sure my assignment is written in my agenda book?
How many behavior bucks can you receive from each of the following:
Ms. Williams (or any teacher)
An administrator
A guest teacher
an administrator- $5
a guest teacher-$10