What do you do when you want to talk in class?
raise your hand
What do I ALWAYS need to write on any paper I turn in?
class period
How can I be respectful to other people's belongings?
By not touching them and asking before using them
What does good group/partner work look like?
Level 2
Everyone contributing and being productive
When did Mrs. Cecil get married?
July 2019 (last summer)
What materials are needed for class every day?
pencil, journal, agenda, binder
What do I do if I have a question while Mrs. Cecil is giving instructions?
Raise my hand and wait til she's done OR write down the question so you don't forget
What should I do if I don't have a pencil?
Ask another student or Mrs. Cecil BEFORE the bell rings
What is the purpose of the FOX 14?
The purpose of the FOX 14 is to set expectations so that BMS is a safe learning environment
What is the purpose of Sacred Writing Time?
The purpose of SWT is to
-build fluency
-practice new skills
-be creative
What voice level is used duing SWT?
level 0
Where do I figure out today's date?
On the board during SWT or on the dry erase board
When can I sharpen my pencil?
At the beginning of class, between assignments, or when Mrs. Cecil ISN'T giving instructions
What kind of food/drink can you have in class?
clear water bottles ONLY
(unless it's school food during second chance)
What is the proper way to leave the classroom?
wait for Mrs. Cecil to dismiss you
How do I know if I have missing work?
I can look in Infinite Campus and on the right side of the board in Mrs. Cecil's room.
How do I know if I have homework? Two possible answers
1.Homework is always written on the board for each class period
2.AND it's on the screen when you first walk into the room
When can I use the restroom?
IF I have a hall pass, I can go to the restroom after SWT or when Mrs. Cecil isn't giving instructions
When going to lunch we are in a ______ line and on the _______ side of the hallway.
What is straight, right?
How many siblings does Mrs. Cecil have?
one younger brother
What do you do if you need to leave class?
Have your agenda filled out and ask Mrs. Cecil when she's not giving instructions
List the three books we read last semester.
What are Castle Diary, The Midwife's Apprentice, and The Canterbury Tales?
How can I respect others?
By listening to them, using appropriate language, and being kind
How should you behave during lunch?
Follow directions the adult gives you
Clean up after yourself
sit at the assigned table
How many dogs does Mrs. Cecil have?