Where should assignments be placed once completed.
The correct tray for your home room- Velazquez or Rodriguez.
What is Class Dojo?
Classroom system where you can earn points to exchange for prizes. Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Velazquez can also contact parents.
Where do you get new pencils for the day? Where do you put it when you are done with it for that class?
The basket for your group.
When can you talk to your friend about the upcoming weekend?
Before class, at lunch, at recess. Not in class.
Do you put your name on every paper you get in class?
This is what you NEVER do to your completed work.
Hand it to Mrs. Rodriguez.
How can you earn points on Class Dojo?
Follow classroom, hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations.
What if I don't have a sharpened pencil in my basket?
Raise your hand and ask for one. DO NOT WANDER AROUND THE CLASSROOM.
What should our class line look and sound like?
Facing forward, voices off, hands to ourselves.
How do we care for Chromebooks when finished with them?
Make sure they are upright in the tray and PLUGGED IN.
When are assignments due?
The posted due date.
What kinds of prizes can I earn?
Free passes (no shoes, teacher chair, skip a lap at recess, sit where you want at recess, etc.), small toys, or small treats.
What if I need to use the restroom during class?
Raise your hand and ask. You may not use the restroom during a lesson.
What should you do at the end of the day?
All trash picked up, straighten classroom up, make sure all Chromebooks are put up and plugged in.
Can I use a pen for work that I turn in? What about notes for my own use?
No, pencil only on work that is turned in.
Your personal notes may be written in pen.
What might happen if my work isn't completed on time?
Talk to Mrs. Rodriguez and complete ASAP usually for homework. You may lose points.
Can you lose points on Class Dojo?
No, but you can receive a 0.
When do you enter the classroom?
When asked to enter by Mrs. Rodriguez.
How should you get Mrs. Rodriguez's attention?
Raise your hand and wait patiently. Do not come chasing me down!
What happens if you are talking in class or distraction other students?
You get points deducted from Class Dojo, have a private conversation with Mrs. Rodriguez, or a text/phone call home.
How much does your grade decrease for turning in an assignment late?
What happens if I get too many 0s on Class Dojo?
What do you do when you are finished with your work for the day?
Turn in your work and read a book.
What should you do if you need to tell Mrs. Rodriguez something important or personal.
Approach Mrs. Rodriguez and ask very quietly to speak privately, OR write a note that you would like to talk.
What is the first thing we do when entering the classroom?
Find a pencil in your basket and begin writing the agenda.