How many students can be out of the class room at a time?
What do you do if you made a mess in the classroom?
Clean up after yourself.
What do you do if you were absent and missed class?
Follow up with the teacher on missing assignments.
What sort of language do we avoid using in the classroom?
Swearing and negative language.
When are there no hall passes allowed?
First and last 10 minutes of class
How do we leave and enter the classroom?
Calmly and quietly.
What do you do when the teacher asks a question?
Participate and answer.
What do we do when people are speaking during instructional time?
Listen attentively.
Where do you sit when coming into the classroom?
In assigned seats.
What level of volume is allowed in the classroom?
0, 1, or 2.
What is our attitude when we start English class?
Positive intent and attitude.
How do we talk to others during small group discussions?
Be friendly and include everyone.
The three steps to using a hall pass are:
Ask permission, sign out with time leaving, take hall pass with you.
Where do phones go at the beginning of class?
Phone hotel OR charging on Ms. B's desk.
What does a learner stance look like?
Sitting up in chair, looking at teacher, actively listening.
What do we do when our classmates need help?
Help them.
How long can you leave the classroom for with a hall pass?
5 minutes, 10 minutes for exceptions.
What happens if the phone rule is not followed?
Warnings and then call home.
What physical safety guidelines do we follow in the classroom?
No running, horseplay, or throwing things.
How do we treat people and property?
With care.