Outside the Classroom
Classroom Supplies
Going Home, Coming to School
Other Questions

How must we walk in the hallways and around the campus?

We must walk in a straight line with our eyes forward, lips sealed, masks properly on, and our hands and feet to ourselves, while practicing social distancing.


Where can I find hand sanitizer if I don't have any?

If I do not have hand sanitizer, the teacher will come by and give me some, or I can use the bottles at the sanitation station when I enter the classroom. 


How are walkers dismissed from school every day?

Walkers will be escorted to the gate by Ms. Baker. 


What learner profiles have we discussed in the past 2 days?

We have discussed what it means to be caring, a thinker, principled (and knowledgeable).


How many people can be excused to leave the restroom at a time?

Only 2 people can be excused to leave the restroom at a time.


What must I DO and NOT DO when I need a pencil? 

If I don't have a pencil, I use the "pencil hand signal" and my teacher will bring a clean, sharpened one to me. I cannot ask a friend or neighbor to borrow one.


How are car riders dismissed from school every day?

Car riders remain in the classroom with Ms. George until their number is called for pick up.


What is does our school motto ROAR stand for?

Respect for all

On time and on task

Achieve my best

Responsible and safe citizen


What rules must we follow to ensure that we are staying safe on campus?

We must always wear our masks properly, wash/sanitize our hands, limit touching other people and their supplies, and practice social distancing.


Where must our lanyards be stored at the end of the day?

Our lanyards must be stored in our desks at the end of the day. They CANNOT go home.


How are bus riders, van riders, or after school care get dismissed every day?

They are escorted to a classroom or designated area until their ride is available for pick up.


How does IB help me as a learner?

IB helps me to become an inquirer, critical thinker, explorer, communicator and a responsible citizen.


When you are sick or injured, how can you get to the nurse?

I can get to the nurse if a teacher, staff member, or the nurse is able to escort me.


What are our lanyards used for?

Our lanyards help others identify who we are, who our teachers are, and where we must sit in the cafeteria. 


Where do 5th graders meet when they come to school?

5th graders meet at the PE covered area when they come to school.


What must I do when I feel sick or have a fever?

I must STAY HOME! If I fall sick at school, I must tell my teacher as soon as possible so the nurse could be informed.


How must I behave during recess?

I need to remember to practice social distancing, I must always wear my mask, and be respectful and obedient to my teachers.


What is THE MOST IMPORTANT school supply that I must have every day to ensure the safety of myself and others?

THE MOST IMPORTANT school supply I must have everyday is my mask. This helps stop the spread of Covid-19.


What are the morning procedures when you enter the classroom?

We must enter the room silently, take out our supplies for the day, hang our bags at the back of our chairs, and sit quietly and wait for further instruction.

How can I respond to a question asked by the teacher or add to what another student has previously said?

I can use my Agree/Disagree cards or raise my hand if prompted by the teacher.
