Lining Up
Independent Time

When we hear "Jump in the Line" we....

Line up to wash our hands by walking

True or false. We can just walk out the door?

No, use the signal and wait for Ms. Walker to give you permission. 

It's important she knows where everyone is in case of an emergency!


Every lesson begins with a mini lesson. What is your expectation during a mini lesson?

To listen, participate, take notes, try, observe, learn. 


This is the most important time for me. True or False. 

True. This is your time to work, to learn, to struggle, to grow. 


Before we go to lunch we have to....

Jump in the Line! Wash our hands. 


We line up right next to each other. True or False?

False. We line up with our elbows on our hips to ensure social distancing. 


We wash our hands for how long after using the bathroom?

20 seconds! Sing the Happy Birthday song or ABC's twice...keep our school a safe place to be!


Why is the work time for you so much longer than anything else in workshop?

Because if Ms. Walker is doing the work most of the time, when are you supposed to try, learn, and grow? The lesson is about you, not me. 


I can do what I want with my time. True or false. 

Yes and no. This is tricky. You make your decisions based on what you know about what you need to do. But it has to be about what we are working on. 


I should have my card ready to scan in the lunch line, true or false.

True! This helps the line move faster and keeps the lunch ladies happy. 


We walk to get in line. True or false?

True! Safety first!


True or false. 

I can use the drinking fountains. 

False, the paper is there to stop people. Don't tear it down. 


When I am finished with my work, I can do whatever I want, true or false?

False! Make smart choices, read in reading, write something new in writing, use Prodigy in math. 


I can ask my fellow peers and colleagues (people I work with) for help. True or false. 

Absolutely! As long as the conversation is on topic and helpful for you. Also, that it doesn't distract others. 


School lunch (and breakfast) is free for the rest of the year. True or false. 



What do we do if we are smushed in line?

Remind elbows or just take the initiative and go to the back of the line to make space. 


I should use the restroom when Ms. Walker is teaching, true or false?

False. This is your learning time. Your time is your time. 


If I have a question, I should go right up to Ms. Walker, even if she's working with a student. True or False. 

False. Raise my hand, wait for her, keep trying. Or ask a peer close to me that I know can help me. Then get right back to work. 


Ms. Walker should do nothing during this time. True or false?

False. She should be moving around the room and supporting students. Sometimes she has a schedule, sometimes she doesn't. 


The TA's are there to be mean and make sure that we don't have fun. True or false?

False! They are there to make sure everyone is following the rules, even if we don't like it. Their job is all about safety first. 


Does it matter where you are in line?

No! We are all going to the same place. 


I should ask if there are people in the bathroom before I go in. Why?

To help keep social distancing when others are using the bathroom, and washing hands. 


Why do we end workshop with a reflection?

To allow students to take time to think about the work they did, to summarize the work, to take ownership of their work and share the great things happening in our classroom. 


True or false. It is important for me to advocate for myself when I know I need something. 

True! Please please please advocate for yourself. Don't just sit there and wait.
Also be ready to be specific with what you need help with so we can get right to it!


Lunch and recess is my time to talk with my friends and let some energy out. True or false.

True. This is your time! But when you hear the whistle/bell it is time to get ready for learning again. 
