Can you keep your phone on you in the classroom?
How are you supposed to wear your mask?
Over your mouth and nose!
How do you win JRW?
Have the most points at the end of the week
True or false: It's okay to shout out when I know the answer and I'm really excited about it.
False: it is never okay to be disruptive.
Can you have your headphones in while in class?
Where does your phone go when you enter the classroom?
Phone Hotel
What happens when you don't wear your mask?
Security will be called and you will be asked to leave.
Getting a JR point requires _____% participation?
True or false: It's okay to say no to group discussions if I really don't like people
It's never okay to be....
hurtful and disruptive!
When can you access your phone?
2) 'check powerschool' 3) if I give permission to listen to music on your phone
What should you do when first entering the classroom?
Sanitize at the door
If everyone does the journal but not everyone gives their full effort.. will a JR point be given?
What do I do when I'm done with my chromebook?
1) Wipe it off
2) Plug it in
How many people can be in the 'hotel lobby' at once?
Since there are more of us in the classroom now, its even more important to...
Wear our masks properly!
How do you lose points for JRW?
Because she cares about your learning too much for that.
What should you never leave the classroom without doing?
Wiping off anything that is not yours!