Stay in your seat until ____
Can we eat during instruction time?
All work is classwork unless ____
not completed
Have all materials ____
Stay at a voice level ____ or ____
one, zero
What kind of shoes can we wear?
Anything that has a back on it
Ms. Freeman's opinion on homework is "____"
Wait your ____ to ____
turn, speak
What is a voice level zero and one?
silent, whisper
What "mode" should crocs be in?
Sport mode
How many points is each assignment?
10 points
Ask ____ to ____
question, clarify
Stay in a single file line on the ____ side of the hallway, ____ feet apart.
right, three
What is our uniform?
Khaki bottoms and grade level color top (8- black, 7- gray, 6- navy blue)
How many points are quizzes and tests/projects?
15 points, 20 points
What is Ms. Freeman's email?
Keep Hands Feet, Other Objects To Yourself
What are the two main reasons why we shouldn't eat during class?
1. it can make a mess
2. it can be distracting
How many points for bell ringers in one week?
50 points
Show me the four different cues we talked about for "maybe"
maybe: thumb sideways, wishy-washy, jazz hands, shrug