Entering Class
Bathroom Breaks
Lunch /Recess
End of day

True or False: I can come into class screaming and running around and doing whatever I want.

False, when students come into the classroom, they should sit down, quietly, and start reading.


True or False: All students should enter the bathrooms at the same time.

False, Students should line up in the hallway and enter the bathrooms 3-4 students at a time, depending on the number of people already in there.


I can sit anywhere I want.

No, students have assigned places to sit.


True or False: I can run in the halls.

False, students should walk in the halls.


True of False: While waiting for the buses, at the end of the day, I can wander around the school.

False, students should sit in the halls and wait for bus dismissal.


True or False: I can sit wherever I want and work on assignments for other classes.

False, students should sit in their assigned seats and begin to work on our classwork, quietly.


I can talk and laugh in the hallways during the bathroom break.

No, you may whisper to the students in front of or behind you in line, but if a teacher says all quiet, you should stand there quietly and wait for instruction.


I can yell across the lunchroom and get up anytime I want.

No, students should get their lunch, sit down and eat in a respectful manner. Shouting and yelling will result in a write up.


I can yell and shout in the halls.

No, students can talk during class changes, but voice levels should be at a low level.


True of False: If I don't know how I am getting home, I can just use my cellphone to call and see.

False, if you do not know how you are getting home, you can ask to go to the office and see if Mrs. Earls can contact someone.


I can interrupt Ms. White while she is teaching the class.

No, students should raise their hand and wait to be called on, if it is an emergency, Ms. White will allow you to use the restroom.


I can play fight with the people in my line.

No, students should stand in line and keep their hands, sleeves, feet, shoes, and other objects to themselves.


I can get as many "extras" as I want.

No, students should take only what they need, taking too many "extras" will result in not enough for everyone.


True of False: I can leave when the bell rings.

False, students should wait for the teacher to dismiss them, when the halls are clear and safe, then you will be dismissed.


While sitting in the halls, I can throw objects at other people.

No, students should sit, and work on homework, or talk quietly to the people around them.


I can be rude and mean to the students sitting around me.

No, I should treat others with respect and dignity.


I can leave the line and go wandering through the halls.

No, students should use the restroom then stand in line and wait for the teacher.


I can ask to use the bathroom during lunch/recess.

Yes, students should use this time to use the restroom. (Ask a teacher before you go.)


True or False: If there is a fight in the halls, I can stop and record it.

False, students should go to a teacher and let them know what is happening, recording the fight will result in a write up and OSS.


True or False: I can ask teachers to use the restroom while I wait for my bus.

True, just make sure you ask first, sometimes the restrooms are being cleaned.


I can refuse to do/finish my work.

No, refusal to do/finish classroom work will result in a write up-to Mr. Ooley.


I can start fights in the bathroom and the hallways.

No, fighting will result in a write up and OSS.


I can switch lunch/recess times whenever I want.

No, students are assigned a time for lunch based on their schedules. Switching may result in getting to a class late and can result in a write up.


I can linger in the halls and wait to go to class.

No, students should get to class quickly, lingering in the halls is skipping class, and you will be written up for it.


True or False: When the bell rings I can just get up and leave.

False, even if you hear the walkie talkie go off, students should wait to make sure there are no other announcements, then can leave when a teacher dismisses you.
