When the timer goes off and it's time to stop and rotate, the teacher first says...
Hands up!
To tell the truth.
What do we do if a friend has an accident?
Tell the nearest adult.
Where do we put our backpacks?
Outside the classroom on the hooks.
How can you make points on class dojo?
By following the rules.
After an activity before standing up from your table you need to...
Clean up.
Everyone has the same rewards and consequences for their behavior.
What do we need to do with the playground toys and space?
Share with our classmates.
Where and when can we wash our hands?
At the sink outside of the classroom before coming inside.
How many points can you earn for speaking only English during English class discussions?
What rule makes it possible for students to concentrate during the centers?
Voice level; working quietly.
Helping others and listening to them.
We can't share our food and eat close to our friends because...
of COVID. We need to avoid getting sick.
What do we do before we leave the classroom to go home?
Make a line.
During an activity I can get points for...
Working hard, staying on task, staying focused, voice level.
What materials do you need before centers are made?
Pencil, notebook, library book (English), Reader's notebook (workbook).
Being a leader and a good example.
When can we go to the library?
Only with adult permission and supervision during class or recess.
Where are we not allowed to play?
Outside of the classroom, in the construction areas on the sides of and behind the classrooms.
How can you earn points for being prepared?
By having your materials at your desk during class.
What should you do if you finish your activity early?
Stay in your seat and work on an Early Finisher Activity. Make sure your area is clean and organized.
Following the rules, waiting your turn to speak, treating others the way you want them to treat you.
What do we do if we want to speak?
Raise our hand and wait our turn.
When should we go to the bathroom?
During recess and breaks.
What can you do with the class dojo points you earn?
Earn rewards such as extra recess time, library time, special snacks, and a class party. Use points to buy prizes.