What is the sign for bathroom?
Bathroom sign
True or False labs and projects count as assessments.
True, we will have atleast one lab or project for each unit and those will each count as an assessment grade.
Where do I turn in my homework?
In the back of the classroom in my homeroom's tray.
If someone makes an off-task statement, what should you do?
Ignore the statement and continue to do your work.
What makes someone a scientist?
Noticing, wondering, and making connections
Where can you find a sharpened pencil if you don't already have one?
In the apple mug in the windowsill.
How can you earn Joy Friday?
By earning at-least 80% on your paycheck by completing 80% on your classwork and homework.
What should you do if you finish the Do - Now early?
Look over your answer and wait for the timer to go off. You can also doodle if you get bored.
What are the expectations for independent work?
What is the scientific term for noticing things with one of your 5 senses?
An observation
If your pencil breaks in the middle of class what should you do?
Put up the supply signal and when the teacher says you can trade for a sharpened pencil
How many points can you get for participation each class. How do you get those points?
You can get 2 points for participation each day. One point for being present and following expectations and one point for actively participating in class.
What are the expectations for the last 5 minutes of class?
#1. Pack up silently in your seat
#2. Classwork goes in your binder
#3. Homework goes in your homework folder
#4. Line up quietly when your column is called.
- Two Reminders - Two Warnings - Community Violation
What is a hypothesis?
An educated guess or answer to a scientific question
What are the expectations if you are absent from class?
You are still required to complete your assignments. Please get your work from the absent work folder.
What are 5 of the topics that we will be learning this year?
Matter and it's interactions
Cell Biology
Body Systems
Genetics and Evolution
Technology and Engineering
What is the expectation for the first 5 minutes of class?
#1. Walk in on silent
#2. Pick up classwork
#3. Turn in homework (if you have it)
#3. Sit in assigned seat
#4. Get out pencil and binder
If I want to have a fun year in science and be able to participate in hands on labs what should I do?
Follow expectations and complete all classwork. Stay in my seat unless I have permission to get up. Follow voice level expectations. The more Ms. Earls can trust us to do the right thing the more labs and fun stuff we can do.
What do you need to start an experiment?
An observation and a testable question
What are the expectations for your binder? (List all of them)
All classwork should go in your binder. You need to bring your binder to class every single day. There will be a binder check every Friday
How are grades broken down at Rise? What percentage of your grades do assessments count for? What about participation and homework?
What do you do if you missed a class or come in to class late?
Go to the Absent work folder and take the classwork and homework from the appropriate day.
What happens if I get two CVs or more in one day?
After school support
What does OHDEAR stand for?
Observation/Ask a question