If you have a question one should do what?
What is raise your hand?
Phones should be?
What is in your bag and silenced?
10 or more unexcused absences can result in?
What is NC or no credit?
What should you be doing when the teacher is talking?
What is listening?
How can you be safe while in your seat?
What is keep your hands and feet to yourself?
The wildcat way is?
What is be responsible, be respectful, and be safe?
If your parents need to reach you the office will
What is the office will contact you over the intercom?
You are tardy if?
What is if you are not in class by the time the bell rings?
Why is it important to quietly listen to your teacher or peers when they are talking?
What is so you can understand what they are saying and learn?
Why should students not line up by the door before the bell rings?
What is it is a fire safety hazard?
Students who do not turn in assignments will receive?
What is a zero for assignments not turned in?
When should students have phones out during school?
What is never?
You are absent if you are more than how many minutes late to class?
What is 15 mins?
What are the consequences of being disruptive and or disrespectful in my class?
What is parents contacted, lunch detention, in school suspension, or out of school suspension?
During a lockdown students should do what?
What is hide in a safe area under the desk and stay quiet until the lockdown is over?
What must you bring each day to my class?
A charged macbook and notebook or paper and pencil.
If a student has repeated issues with cell phones in my classroom what are the consequences?
What is parents will be contacted and principal will have a conference with the parents?
Where should a student look for work if absent from class?
What is canvas?
If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing (using someone else's work as their own) what will happen?
What do we do during a tornado drill?
What is line up quietly and walk downstairs where choir is in order to shelter in place?
What percent is taken off for each day an assignment is turned in late?
What is 10% off for each day?
What are Airpods, headphones, cell phones, and other electronic devices other than school issued Macbook?
How can attendance influence me and or my parent?
What is numerous absences can result in an NC and make a student ineligible for sports, and a parent can be charged with truancy if their child misses too many days of school.
When asking to use the restroom one should do what?
What is raise your hand, and then create an e-hall pass, and once approved get a restroom lanyard from me and return upon coming back from the restroom?
What should students do during a fire drill?
What is quietly line up and turn right, we will pass the 8th grade hallway, and go out toward the closest doors.