This is the amount of time you can be in the hallway with a pass before Ms. O'Leary calls the office.
5 Minutes
If you cause physical harm to someone, then you will be...
This is the number of rules in Ms. O'Leary's classroom
30 Minutes
If you have your phone out in class, then what happens to your phone?
Sent to the office
Creating a space a where others can ________ is one of the rules in Ms. O'Leary's classroom
This pass can be used for a band aid, some ice, a quick snack, or to take some medicine. Unless it's an emergency, you should still wait 30 minutes before asking.
The Nurse?
If you are late this many times to class, you will receive an after school detention.
4 times
This is the only place you are allowed to "throw" things in the classroom, unless we are playing a specific game.
The amount of time you should wait before asking to leave during a 45 minute class schedule.
15 minutes
If you do this, then you receive double after school detention.
Skip Detention
This is the first consequence for consistently talking to your neighbor?
What is "getting moved"?
The only time you should grab a pass and leave without asking.
If you skip double detention, then this happens...
What is lunch or in school detention
What is the consequence for not participating or completing work in class?
You get a 0 for the day