True or False: You can do whatever you want during class.
True or False: You can text during class.
Where does your backpack go?
Under or right next to the desk
What time does school start?
When can you visit the library to get a book?
True or False: It's Ms. Marler's job to make sure you're doing your work.
False. YOU are responsible for your learning.
What do you need to do to speak in class?
Raise your hand.
Where do you look for instructions before class starts?
What period does Advisory happen?
True or False: You can leave your Chromebook wherever you want when you're done with it.
FALSE. Put your Chromebook in the Chromebook cart AND PLUG IT IN.
What does KYHFOOTY stand for?
Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
True or False: You can use earbuds during class.
What does it mean to be on time?
What clothing is NOT appropriate at school?
various answers
True or False: We have a vocab test every Friday.
False. We don't do vocab every week, but when we do the test is on Friday.
Can you retake or redo an assignment?
Yes, but you MUST tell Ms. Marler.
Can you wear hoods and hats at school?
You can wear hats, but NOT hoods.
What four things do you need to bring to class each day?
binder, planer, pencil or pen, and book
Where do you go if you have questions about your schedule?
Counseling center
What are Tiger Points? Explain.
Points awarded for positive behavior that you can use to buy things from the Tiger Store.
How much time do you have to turn in late work?
Two weeks from the due date.
What happens if you have your phone out and Ms. Marler sees it?
True or False: The first ten minutes of class is the best time to ask to go to the bathroom.
FALSE! No hallpasses the first 10 minutes of class.
What are all three principals' names?
Ms. Madsen, Mr. Negley, Ms. Po'uha
What is Ms. Marler's favorite animal?