How do you come down for class and enter the room?
What is walking silently
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
When I raise my hand what are you expected to do?
What is raise your hand and get silent?
Where do baskets and workbooks always go before you leave?
What is back into your cubbies with your name on it?
Where do we line up for a fire drill?
What is at the outside door?
What is the first thing you check when you come in?
What is the front board?
What is the first thing you do when you get to the bathroom door?
What is always knock first?
When I say "123", what do you say?
What is "Eyes on Me"?
How do you get called to line up/leave the room?
How should the room sound if we are progress monitoring?
What is silent?
What do you always grab when you come in?
What is basket and workbook?
What is flip the stop sign around to red?
When I say "Stop, Look" what do you say?
What is "Listen"?
What do you always do before leaving the room?
What is push in your chair?
What do we have to do if we want to turn anything on to play with?
What is Always Ask Ms. Facer?
What is use the restroom, get a drink, get a tissue, eat a snack, sharpen pencil?
What do you always always always do after using the restroom?
What is wash your hands?
When I say "Waterfall", what do you say?
What is "Shhhhhh"?
What are the three ways you may turn in work at the end of class?
What is on the front table, in the back turn in been, or collected by a student helper?
What will happen if we ask for free time or Mindcraft?
What is the answer will always be no and we will lose it?
What does it mean if there is nothing written on the board when you first come in?
How many pumps of soap do you use to wash you hands?
What is one?
When I say "Hocus Pocus", what do you say?
What is "Let's All Focus"?
How will you know when you should be done cleaning up and back in your seat?
What is the timer will go off?
What are our four hand signals we use when raising our hand for the teacher?
What is normal hand= Ask Question/ Need Teacher
2 fingers= Bathroom
3 fingers= Tissue
Fist= Water/Drink