Uses whiteboard to write names of students who are late to class.
Who is the Tardy Tracker?
Name or tally mark on the whiteboard
What is the consequence of arriving tardy or breaking a classroom rule?
Don't touch other students or their belongings.
Do keep your hands to yourself.
Responsible for keeping the computer cart neat and tidy.
Who is the Chromebook Keeper?
Loss of bathroom/water/hall priveleges
What is getting your name on the white board?
Do be attentive to your teacher and peers.
Hands out and collects papers
Who is the Paper Partner?
Naughty Note (Text/email/phone call home)
What is earned by getting 3 strikes on the whiteboard?
Don't wander around the classroom without permission.
Do stay in your assigned seat.
Who is the Pencil President?
10 PBIS Points
What is the number of points earned for having a Nice Note sent home?
Don't yell across the classroom.
Do raise your hand if you need help.
Who is the Headset Helper?
20 PBIS Points
What is the number of points earned for being a responsible Student Leader for the week?
Don't chit-chat, play games, or do work for other classes.
Do complete all work that is assigned in class.