The Classroom
Mixed Bag

What is Miss Bentley's #1 expectation?

Be respectful


What is the procedure for leaving the classroom for the bathroom or water? This includes how to ask and when you can go.

Sign language

First/last five and independent work


What do the sound signs mean?

Movie Theater - The room is silent (ex. testing)

Magic Show - Miss Bentley and one other person are speaking (instruction)

Coffee Shop - Partner work (1-2 people)

Restaurant - Group Work (3-4 people)


What is the reward of the gains/losses system?

Extra recess


What is the procedure for your Chromebook (where should you bring it, when should you use it, etc.)?

You are responsible for bringing it with you fully charged to class throughout the day

You may only use your Chromebook when given permission from your teachers

You should not bring it outside- it needs to stay in your locker during P.E

You may not bring it home with you.


What are the three groups we created expectations for?

Miss Bentley, the class, and learning environment


How does the gains/losses system work?

If the class gets more gains than losses, we earn an extra 5 minutes of recess. If the class gets more losses than gains, they do not earn 5 minutes of extra recess. On Fridays, the class gets all the time they earned at the end of the week.


What is Miss Bentley's late work policy?

First week is 10% off, second week is 20% off, is not accepted after 2 weeks


How does the class points system work?

If we have a good, productive class we can earn a class point. Once the class reaches its goal (10 or 20 points) they can choose a reward to celebrate.


In order to have late work accepted, you must complete a what? And where can you get one?

Regrade Form, Miss Bentley


What do the lines represent on the floor, and why are they important?

Miss Bentley's boundaries, they are important because we need to respect personal space


What is the procedure for being the hallway/transitioning classes?

Grab your things from your locker quickly and quietly

Go where you're supposed to be, and on time

Greet your teacher at the door (wait outside if they are not there)

Enter the classroom in a calm manner


What are four resources you can use if you are unsure about the details of an assignment?

Daily Double

Miss Bentley, Miss Bentley's website, Google Classroom, a classmate


How do Bentley Bucks work?

Students can earn a Bentley Buck by following or exceeding expectations.


What are the five things you should go to almost every class with?

Accordion folder



Colored Pencils



Where are the three places you can find an extra copy of the homework packet?

Google Classroom, Miss Bentley's Website, and the bins at the front of the room


What is the procedure if you are being disruptive in class (ex. talking)?

First time, warning

Second time, phone call home and write-up

Third time, parent-teacher conference with Mr. Nappi


What does good small group work look like (when Miss Bentley is with a group)?

(Not in the group) Working on task, independently, and silently at your seat

(In the group) Participating, focused, and giving an effort


What can you use a homework pass on?

One assignment pre-approved by Miss Bentley (ex. ONE RRJ or ONE spelling homework. No tests/quizzes, or other major assessments)


What is the procedure for borrowing a book from the classroom library? If you are browsing, but change your mind, where should the book go?

Sign-out, return in the gray bin, sign back in

If you change your mind, the book should go in the gray bin


What is our class structure (Hint- what routines we are supposed to do every day!)

1. Come to class on time

2. Do Now

3. Small Groups 

4. Whole Group Activity

5. Read Aloud


What is Miss Bentley's absence policy?

You have a three day grace period to make up your work. You have a week from the end of your grace period to turn it in before it is a 0.


Where are the three places you can check your grade?

PowerSchool, Google Classroom, and Miss Bentley


When is the best time to cash in Bentley Bucks?

Study Hall


What is the purpose of the suggestion box?

Give appropriate suggestions for the class (class playlist, activities, rewards, etc.)
