Where should assignments be placed once completed.
In the "Done" bin
What is the first thing I do when I come into the classroom.
Unpack my book bag, empty folder, and turn in my homework
What are we now allowed to use at outdoor recess?
monkey bars
When is the best time to talk to your friends in school?
Lunch and recess
True or false - you should line up in number order during a fire drill
False - get out as quickly as you can in a calm, straight line
What is the first thing you should write on any classroom assignment>\?
Your name
What do you do if your pencil is not sharp?
Take a sharpened pencil from the cup
What should we do if we see someone sitting alone on the buddy bench?
Ask them if they'd like to play and help to make them feel included
What should our class line look and sound like?
Facing forward, voices off, hands to ourselves, number order
If there is an evacuation drill to the back of the playground, we should turn off the lights.
If Mrs. W has you complete an assignment and you do not finish, where does it go?
Later Gator folder or blue take home folder
What do I do if I need to use the bathroom in the morning?
Raise your hand or give Mrs. W a finger up to let her know you are going with a buddy.
True or false - we should try to play with new people at recess?
What should you do at the end of the day?
Ipad away
floor and desk clear
book bag packed with blue folder
During a lockdown, where do we go and what do we do?
We sit in the closet calmly and do not talk until we are told
What might happen if homework isn't completed on time?
Mrs. W may take a ticket from you until it is turned in
What does Mrs. Wisniewski expect when you are writing in your journal each morning?
1. Neat handwriting
2. Complete sentences
3. Start with a capital letter end with punctuation.
4. Details!
What happens when Mrs. W blows the red whistle outside?
we line up quickly so Mrs. W can count us
How should you get Mrs. W's attention if she is teaching?
Raise your hand and wait patiently
What does Mrs. W do during a lockdown to make sure we are safe?
lock door, pull down shades, lights off
What can I do if I finish my work early and everyone around me is still working?
Read quietly or complete something from math/later gator folder
What must we always do during the pledge of allegiance?
Stand tall, face the flag, hand over our heart.
If you notice that students are breaking rules that are not keeping us safe, what should you do?
Let the teacher know
If you are walking to your desk and notice trash on the floor what should you do?
pick it up
True or False - it is ok to talk during a fire drill?