Where is the pencil sharpener?
By the door
Across from the door
How do I know what I missed if I was absent?
Check the slides or ask a RELIABLE friend
Where should I get a piece of blank or scratch paper?
From the drawers in the back
During labs, where should your backpack go?
When can I talk to my table mate?
If the light is green or yellow
Where is the lost and found?
By the exit door
How do I ask to go to the bathroom?
Hold up a bathroom pass and wait for Mx. SG to respond
If I lost a paper (from any class) where should I look for it?
In the red bin at the back of the classroom
I spilled something, what do I do?!
Clean it up quickly with a towel
What CAN'T I eat in class? (name 2 of 3)
Candy, chips, cookies
Where does recycling go?
Under the sink in the front
Bonus! What items do we recycle?
How do I correct a quiz answer? (name at least 3 of the 5 things needed)
Title the email with the date of the quiz.
Copy and paste the question into an email.
Give the correct answer.
Explain how you know it is right
Put your period number in the signature
If I turned in something THAT WAS ALREADY GRADED ON SYNERGY on Google Classroom, do I need to do anything extra? If yes, what?
YES!!!! Email Mx. SG!
Ooops, someone broke something glass... What now??
Come get Mx. SG, make sure no one touches it!
I need to check something on my Chromebook but we're not working on Chromebooks, what should I do?
Ask first!
Where are ALL THREE of the classroom trash cans?
One by each door, and one at Mx. SG's desk in the back
How do I get notes if I was absent?
Look for the "skipped" slide on the slides or ask a RELIABLE friend
If I was absent on the day a PRINTED page was passed out, what do I do?
Get the paper from the bottom drawer in the back
List three things you should NOT do during a lab.
Rough Housing
Wandering around/Visiting friends
Eat anything
Use materials other than instructed
What is one reason to leave your seat during class that Mx. SG would be okay with?
Sharpening pencil
Getting notebook page you missed
Getting blank paper
Getting a chromebook or fidget
Where does my notebook go if I'm not taking it home?
In the drawer with your period number and last initial
How do I get a fidget or chromebook charger? (List at least 3 of the 4 steps)
1) Put your backpack on the shelf
2) Get the item
3) At the end of the class, put the item back
4) Take your backpack back
What if my chromebook is dead and we need it for class? (List at least 3 of the 5 steps)
1) Put your backpack on the shelf
2) Get a loaner/charger
3) When finished, log out
4) Plug the Chromebook in/put the charger in the basket
5) Take your backpack back
There is a tray on the table with materials on it, when should you touch those materials?
Only after instructed to do so.
When is an okay time to use the electric sharpener?
When there is a green or yellow light or with permission on red