Rules, rules, and more rules
Chromebooks Deserve to Live
The Right and Wrong Way
Homework, grades, and all that jazz
Decode the Dress Code

This is the number of rules that Ms. Soper has

What is five?


To avoid scratches or spills, this is what your chromebook must always be inside. 

What is the case?


This is the correct place to turn in your work. 

What are the green bins?


This is where you should go every single week to check your grades. 

What is Connect?


This is what happens if you break dress code. 

What is a conduct point?


You were so lucky this morning to get Starbucks refresher on your way to school and have brought your drink into Ms. Soper's class. This is what is wrong in this example.  

What is no non-water drinks?


This is what will absolutely happen if you put things into the part of your chromebook case that holds the computer.

What is the screen will break?


This is the correct thing to do if you are absent. 

What is ask Ms. Soper for your missing work?


You are absent for one day. How many days do you have to turn in the work without penalty?

What are 2 days?

Yay! It is your birthday and you have a dress down pass. These are the ways you do and do not have to follow the dress code. 



Oh no! You forgot your pencil. Thankfully, your friend has an extra and tosses it to you. This is what is wrong in this example. 

What is no air-borne objects?


You are using your chromebook in class. You need to ask a question so you carry your open chromebook to Ms.Soper. At the end of class, you close the case, but do not zip it shut. You leave class and go to your locker. Your hands are full so you put your chromebook on the ground next to you. Then, you go to your next class. 

These are the three mistakes made in this paragraph. 

walking with an open chromebook 

not zipping the case 

putting the chromebook on the floor


This is the correct way and an incorrect way to ask a question in class. 

What is raise your hand? 


This is the grade you will receive for work that is not turned in.

What is 0%?


These are the two biggest dress code breaks Ms. Soper sees every day

Untucked shirt, missing belt


Ms. Soper's first classroom rule is to be respectful. These are three different ways you can be respectful. 



This is what happens if you come to class with a chromebook that need to be charged.

What is you will have to make up all missing assignments as homework?


This is the right way to ask to use the restroom. This is also one example of a wrong way to ask to use the restroom.

What is making a smartpass and showing Ms. Soper? 



This is how much credit you will lose each day an assignment is late. 

What is 10%?


There are several things that you are not permitted to wear on your head. 

What are those things? (include your face, ears, and hair style)

hats, colored hair, big earrings, face paint


Ms. Soper's second rule is to be prepared with all required materials. These are the required materials. 

What is a chromebook, binder, a pencil case, a notebook, and headphones?


During Mrs. Soper's class, you need to use the restroom during class so you tell your friend to login to your chromebook fo you by giving them your password. When you come back, you decide to play a game instead of working on the assigned project. You notice your chromebook is running out of battery so you plug it in. After class, you place your Chromebook on the floor by the lockers while getting your gym clothes. Finally, when you get home you toss your chromebook onto the floor and unpack your backpack.

Identify the five issues in this example 

give friend logging, playing games, chromebook on floor, charging in class, throwing computer


This is how to turn in a digital assignment late.

What is put a note in the missing work bin?


This is how much is grade category is worth. The categories are tests/projects/ essays, classwork/homework, and participation.

What are 60% tests/projects/essays, 25% classwork/homework, and 15% participation?


Explain the dress code. 

School shirt, shorts or skirt, sneakers, shirt tucked in... 
