Morning Routines
Classroom Routines
Showing Respect
Staying Focused

What are the first few things you should do when you enter the classroom in the morning?

Say hello, hang up your backpack, get your chair, read the board, put your magnet on the board, get started on whatever the morning work is. 


Where does your work go when you are finished with it?

In the turn in bin. 


Ms. Borda just rang the chime. What should you do?

Freeze, have your eyes on Ms. Borda and your voice off. 
You're trying to work on some classwork, but you're having trouble staying focused. What are some things you could do?

Examples: grab headphones, put up a divider, ask to move to a different spot


A classmate missed a few questions on their sweet math and did not pass the level. How could you show kindness to them?

Examples: Offering to help practice, saying kind words to them, encouraging them to stay positive and have a growth mindset


What should the voice level be during morning work?

Usually Level 1, a whisper


How can you line up in a perfect 3S line?

Walking quietly and calmly, keeping your voice off and your body still once you are in your spot. Keep your hands to yourself and your body facing forward.


How can you show respectful listening?

Having your eyes on the speaker, voice off, staying engaged in the conversation, nodding or giving hand signal if it is being asked for


You are trying to do your work, but another classmate keeps trying to talk to you. What should you do?

Politely remind them of the voice level, give them a gentle reminder to be quiet and stay focused. If that doesn't work, you could ask to move to a different spot. 


You overhear someone saying an unkind thing to a classmate. What could you do?

Examples: Comfort your classmate, stand up for your classmate and remind the person that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all


What are some important things to remember during morning meeting?

Examples: come with empty hands, look at who is speaking, raise your hand if you have a comment or a question, keep your body still on the carpet


You're done eating lunch, but there's still a few minutes before lunch is over. What should you do?

Examples: throw your trash away and clean up your area, then sit quietly and listen to the book until lunch is over


You’re using a shared supply like markers, glue or scissors. How can you respectfully use these materials?

Examples: use them the correct way, put caps back on them, return them to the correct spot, share with someone who needs them also

During work time, you feel tempted to draw instead of working. What can you do to stay focused?

Examples: put away your drawing materials, remind yourself of what the expectations are for quiet work time, save your drawing for a free time

You notice a classmate sitting alone looking upset during a fun activity. What can you do to show kindness?

Examples: Go over to check on them and ask if they want to join you, see if anything is bothering them, ask if you could sit with them and keep them company


What are some ways that we can make transitions to and from the carpet super quick and easy?

Examples: keeping your voice off, finding a spot on the carpet quickly, having a calm body and moving carefully


Your teacher rings the chime to signal the class should clean up their materials, but you’re not quite finished with your work. What should you do?

Examples: think about which folder your work should go in, put your unfinished work in that folder, clean up quickly and quietly so we can move on to the next activity


Your teacher asks the class to stop talking, but some of your classmates keep chatting. What can you do to show respect?

Examples: stop talking immediately, stay quiet,  set a good example for others, give gentle reminders to those who are talking


You’re feeling frustrated because a math problem is hard, and you’re thinking about giving up. What can you do to stay focused?

Take a short moment to calm down, then try breaking the problem into smaller steps or ask for help from a teacher or classmate.


While bookshopping, a classmate is struggling to find a book they like for silent reading. How can you show kindness?

Examples: ask if you can help them look, recommend a book that you like, see if they want to borrow one of your books

We just started math, and we have some new learning happening this morning. How can you make sure you are ready to learn?

Examples: Staying engaged in the lesson by looking at Ms. Borda, answering questions, being engaged in the warm-up and turn and talks, trying your best and asking questions if you don't understand something


When you finish reading a book from the classroom library, what should you do with it?

Find the correct bin in the library that it goes in and put it back. 


A classmate shares an idea during a discussion that you don’t agree with. How can you respond respectfully?

Examples: raise your hand and wait your turn to speak, use respectful language such as "I see your point, but I was thinking differently" or "That's interesting, I saw it a different way"


Your teacher is giving instructions, and you notice yourself starting to daydream. What can you do to stay focused?

Examples: Sit up straight, look at your teacher, and remind yourself to listen carefully so you don’t miss anything important.


You hear some classmates laughing at another student’s mistake during a class activity. What can you do to show kindness?

Stand up for the student by saying something kind, like, "It’s okay, mistakes help us learn," and encourage others to be supportive.
