What is the first thing you do when you enter the room?
Greet Ms. Fabrizi with a Good Morning and action of your choice.
What is line order?
We line up alphabetically by last name unless you are line leader or door holder.
When the lights turn off in the lunch room this means?
Turn your voices off and your eyes on the adult on duty.
Where do I find work that needs to be completed?
On the back bookshelf in the bins on top.
When I have something to say what should I do?
Raise my hand.
When and where do you turn in completed homework?
First thing in the morning and in the completed workbin.
What is the 4 S Rule?
1. Silent
2. Straight
3. Safe
4. Smiling
If we have a question, need something, or have to use the bathroom at lunch what should I do?
Raise your hand and wait for an adult to walk over to you.
What is a mustard assignment?
Assignments that must be done before the end of the block time.
When a teacher or classmate is talking what should I be doing?
Voices off, respecting the person who is talking, making eye contact, listening ears on.
Name TWO things that must be completed before morning announcements.
1. Lunch Choice
2. Coins- Days in School
If the entire class is following expectations and another adult notices and compliments us what does this mean?
We earn a flower.
When I hear the whistle outside what does that mean?
Line up quietly and get ready to go inside.
What is a pickle assignment?
A pickle assignment is an assignment where you have to pick one assignment to complete before the block ends. These are usually math or reading bins.
When I am on the carpet what should I be doing?
Sitting in my carpet spot, listening to who is speaking and not talking to others around me, not laying down
If you complete your morning work routine before the timer ends what do you do?
Grab a book and sit on the carpet.
What is a mystery walker and what do you get if you are the mystery walker?
A mystery walker is someone who follows the 4 S Rule and follows all classroom expectations from one place to the next. A mystery walker earns an eraser.
If my friend is not being nice to me and calling me names that hurt my feelings outside at recess what should I do?
Go to an adult and let them know.
What is the first thing I do when I get a worksheet and the last thing I check before handing in an assignment?
Write your name.
How do I earn erasers?
Following expectations, completing homework, being mystery walker
When the timer ends where are you supposed to be?
In your carpet spot.
How should my body be in the hallway to be considered safe? (3-4 possible answers)
I should be walking, arms to my side, looking at the person's head in front of me, and voices off.
I noticed the cutest dog ever was being walked by their owner on the other side of the fence. Am I allowed to run up and talk to the dog's owner and let them know how cute their dog is or ask to pet the dog?
What do I do when I think I am finished?
I can look at the "I am finished now what" poster, work on catch-up work, or read silently by myself around the room.
If Ms. Fabrizi is with students and I have a question what should I do?
Ask 3 classmates before interrupting Ms. Fabrizi.