How should you line up before leaving the classroom?
(Answer: Quietly, facing forward, and with hands to yourself.)
What should you do when the teacher calls for attention?
(Answer: Stop, look, and listen.)
What is one way to show kindness to a classmate?
(Answer: Offer help or give a compliment.)
What’s the first step if you’re stuck on a problem?
(Answer: Try your best and look for clues in the question.)
Where do you put finished work?
(Answer: Turn it in to the bin or folder.
What voice level should you use in the hallway?
(Answer: Level 0 or silent.)
What is the first thing you do when you enter the classroom?
(Answer: Unpack, check the schedule, and start morning work.)
What should you do if someone is left out during group work?
(Answer: Invite them to join.)
What should you do if you make a mistake?
(Answer: Fix it and learn from it—it’s okay!) *
What should you do if your pencil breaks?
(Answer: Use the sharp/dull pencil system or quietly get a new one.)
What should you do if someone bumps into you in the hallway?
(Answer: Keep walking, or politely say 'excuse me.')
What do you do if you need to use the restroom during a lesson?
(Answer: Raise your hand and use the signal.)
How can you show respect during a class discussion?
(Answer: Listen quietly and raise your hand to speak.)
What should you do if you don’t understand directions?
(Answer: Ask a friend first, then ask the teacher.)
What should you do if you lose something?
(Answer: Check lost and found or ask for help.)
What does “walking feet” mean?
(Answer: Walk calmly—no running or skipping.)
How do you signal if you need help during independent work?
(Answer: Raise your hand or use the designated signal.)
What does it mean to compromise?
(Answer: Work together and find a solution everyone can agree on.)
What is the “turn and talk” strategy?
(Answer: Think about the question, talk with a partner, then share with the group.)
How should you keep your desk organized?
(Answer: Books stacked, supplies in pouches, and trash thrown away.)
Why is it important to stay in a straight line?
(Answer: To show respect and keep everyone safe.)
What should you do if you finish an assignment early?
(Answer: Work on early-finisher activities or read silently.)
What should you do if you see someone being unkind?
(Answer: Speak up, tell the teacher, or support the person being mistreated.)
How can you handle a disagreement with a classmate?
(Answer: Use kind words, listen, and work to find a solution.)
Why is it important to clean up after yourself?
(Answer: It shows responsibility and keeps the space ready for learning.)