What should you do when entering the classroom?
Enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat.
What should you do when a teacher is speaking?
Listen quietly and respectfully.
What is the first step when you need help?
Read the directions twice and highlight key words.
When can you not leave the classroom to use the restroom?
During the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class.
What should you do before waiting to line up?
Put away materials, check for trash, and sit quietly.
What should you have ready before the Bell Ringer timer goes off?
The Bell Ringer Prompts answered/Materials for the Bell Ringer out and ready to start.
How many students can be at the pencil checkout or blowing their nose at a time?
Only one student.
Who should you ask for help after reading the directions?
Your shoulder partner.
What must you do before leaving to use the restroom?
Use the hand signal and sign out.
What happens if you talk in line?
You will be sent back to your seat.
Why is it important to prepare for the Bell Ringer before the timer ends?
To be ready to learn and maximize class time.
What does it mean to remain seated unless directed?
Stay in your seat unless you’ve been asked to move.
When should you raise your hand for help?
After trying the first two steps (rereading the question, highlighting keywords and asking a shoulder partner) and still needing assistance.
How long must you wait to use the restroom after lunch/nutrition?
15 minutes
Why is it important to push in your chair before lining up?
To keep the classroom organized and safe.
What happens if you’re not ready when the Bell Ringer timer goes off?
You may lose participation credit or delay class progress.
Why is it important to wait your turn at shared stations? (Pencil Checkout, grabbing tissues, grabbing materials)
To prevent chaos and ensure everyone gets what they need.
Why is it important to follow “The How To Ask For Help Steps” before asking a teacher?
To develop independency and the ability to problem solve.
Why is it important to sign out and back in?
So the teacher(s) knows where you are and can keep track of who is next.
How do you show that you’re ready to line up?
Sit quietly in your seat with your area clean.
How can entering quietly benefit the entire class?
It ensures a calm and focused start to our lesson.
How does following classroom expectations help the class?
It helps keep our environment orderly to ensure everyone has the opportunity to focus on learning.
How can asking a partner for help benefit your learning?
It allows for collaboration and helps you understand different perspectives.
What is the procedure if someone is already out of the classroom?
Wait until they return before asking to go.
Why is it important to line up quietly?
It sets a respectful tone for leaving the class and ensures a smooth transition out of the classroom.