You have math homework due today!
Where does it go?
In the math bin by the clock.
What is the proper way to line up?
Quickly & quietly
Where do you keep a small amount of the supplies you use everyday? (things like Pencil, highlighter, glue, scissors)
Your caddy in the center of the table
How much time do you need to spend on IXL Detailed Action Plan a week?
One hour a week.
You want to get Mrs. Shinaver's attention, what do you do?
Raise your hand
What are the first 2 things you put on your paper?
Name and Number
Mrs. Shinaver is allowing you to work on your math homework in class. What should your voice level be?
Level 0 or maybe Level 1
What do you when you come into the classroom after Specials or Recess?
1. Go to the bathroom and get a drink, if needed
2. Gather all supplies needed
3.Be ready to learn before the timer goes off
What do you need to do with your Chromebook every night?
Charge it
You need to go to the bathroom, what do you need to do? (3 steps)
1. Ask to go and give Mrs. Shinaver your bathroom pass
2. Sign Out on the clipboard on the filing cabinet.
3. When you return, sign in.
You are absent on Monday. You come to school, where can you find all of the work missed? (3 Parts)
1. Check Schoology
2. Red ketchup folder
3. Extra Papers bin
What are the 3 things you do when you first arrive in the morning?
1. Put your coat/ backpack away
2. Lunch Count
3. Get started on your morning work
What do you use for your math homework?
What do you do if your Chromebook is not working properly? (2 steps)
1. Ask Mrs. Shinaver or a peer for help
2. If is not working properly, put in a tech ticket
What do you need to do to be part of Fresh Air Friday? 3 things.
Have no missing work, be up to date on AR, and an hour of IXL.
Oh no! You were absent on Monday and we got math homework. You came to school on Tuesday. When is Monday night's math Homework due?
You need to get Mrs. Shinaver's attention. What do you do?
Wait, and raise your hand
If you lost something, where do you look for your belongings?
The school lost and found
What are the expectations when it comes to discussion posts on Schoology?
1. Answer the question.
2. If you comment, you will agree/ disagree and explain why
(It is NOT your social media)
When we switch to Social Studies, what needs to happen to be successful? (3 parts)
1. Put caddies somewhere else.
2. Clean off our tables (things like pencils, and water bottles)
3. Have EVERYTHING you were asked to bring.
What is the policy on late work?
HW & Classwork....then Major Assignments
Homework and classwork- you will only receive half credit (Example math HW is 3 points- Late max 1.5 points out of 3)
Major assignments (like essays) - 10% off each day late up to 50%
What is expected of everyone one when Mrs. Shinaver is working with someone/others?
They are working independently and will leave Mrs. Shinaver alone unless it's a dire emergency.
If you don't have a pencil, what do you do? 4 parts
Go look in your bin, ask someone to borrow one, find one on the floor, or buy one on class bank.
Where, and how often should you check your grades?
On Schoology everyday
It is the end of the day, what do we need to do before we go home, and what is special about Mondays? (4 parts)
1. Get backpacks
2. Stack chairs
3. Clear off tables
4. On Mondays, we grab our mail