What must you do with your phone as soon as class begins.
Place in blue tray OR in backpack.
What must you bring to class every day?
+BONUS: binder!
What happens if you miss a deadline for an assignment?
You have until the end of the unit/grading period to submit or fix it.
What should you do if you are tardy to class?
Fill out the Google form via QR code posted on the door.
What steps must you follow to go to the bathroom, and what happens if the bathroom pass is lost?
You must speak with Mrs. Holloway, sign out, and use the designated bathroom pass. If the pass is lost, no one will be allowed to leave for the bathroom again.
What happens if you are caught on your phone in class?
It will be confiscated and sent to the front office.
What should you do if you borrow materials from the classroom?
Return them in the same condition as when they were borrowed.
Are points used to calculate grades?
No, grades reflect mastery of standards instead
What is the consequence for the first two tardies?
Where can students check their official grades?
In StudentVue, do NOT use canvas!
Can food be allowed in the classroom?
Yes, as long as you clean up after yourself.
Where do you leave your spiral notebook for note-taking?
In the cubbies by the door.
Are all assignments graded in this class?
No, only assignments that accurately assess your knowledge of the standards are graded.
What is the consequence for the third and fourth tardy?
Call home and then lunch detention!
How can parents and students find out what is missing?
Check StudentVue, missing assignments.
How soon do you think it is ok to start packing up at the end of class?
With two minutes left!
Why is it important to respect and take care of borrowed materials?
Damaging or not returning materials affects the entire class as Mrs. Holloway will not be replacing them.
What level on the grading scale indicates advanced mastery?
4 (4.0–3.2), which shows deeper understanding and connections.
What is the consequence for the fifth tardy?
Sent up to administration.
What should you do if you finish early?
Work on other classes, read a book, grab a coloring page, etc. (No disturbing others, going on your phone playing games on your computer, etc.)
Where can you find papers that you missed when you were absent?
The folders stapled to the wall in the back of the classroom. Find the folder with your StudentVue schedule!
What do you do if you have tech issues? (three steps!)
- First, Turn it off and on again
- Second, ask a peer for help
- Third, ask Mrs. Holloway to go to the tech office.
What is required to earn a score of 1 on the grading scale?
You must demonstrate some understanding of the standard by making an honest attempt to complete the work. Simply writing something down or only doing part of the job is not enough.
(Remember a 1 is a passing score, I will not pass you if I don't believe you truly understand some part of the standard being assessed.)
If you are tardy to one FASTeam class, does it count toward your total number of tardies for the team?
Yes, it counts for all FASTeam classes.
What happens if you plagiarize or cheat on an assignment?
You and anyone involved will receive a zero with no opportunity to make it up.