True/False: I should scream as I enter class.
I have ____ bathroom passes per _____
2, month
True/False: the class lines up at the door to leave class.
False- we remain in our seats.
True/False: Scribbling on my paper is high-quality work?
Volume should be at ____ at all times during a test.
The PowerPoint at the front of class shows me...
The date, materials I need, learning targets and agenda.
Ms. Wagner is at the front of the class teaching a lesson. The whole class is engaged. What is this called?
Whole class instruction
If I am not the aisle person, where should I be at the end of class?
In my seat
It is the aisle person's responsibility to collect assignments and check for ________.
I missed a test due to an absence, it is my ____________ to schedule a time to take the test.
Look at the PowerPoint slide at the front of class
True/False: The best time to ask to use the restroom is during class instruction.
False- it is during independent work time.
Who puts away books and other materials?
Aisle person
Put my name on it!
I failed the test, can I retake it?
Yes- come talk to Ms. Wagner
I should ________________ after gathering my materials.
My volume should be ____ when doing group work.
True/False: The bell excuses students
False- Ms. Wagner excuses you.
If I cannot complete an assignment in class, it is ____________.
I did not finish the test in time- what do I need to do?
Come during lunch or stay after school to finish the test.
I have ____ minute after the bell rings to be in my seat with all materials.
I forgot to get my pencil at the beginning of class. I should__________.
Raise my hand and ask to go get a pencil.
If I stand up or go to the door before Ms. Wagner excuses me, I will have to ___________.
Be the last to leave class.
If I am absent and miss an assignment, I have to__________.
Talk to Ms. Wagner about how to make up the assignment.
I show _________ during a test by not distracting others, not cheating, and doing my best work.
Respect, Integrity